i've blogged once before about "shell-ray"...and it's about that time to blog about him once again. maybe it's less that i'm blogging about him but merely alternatively complaining about his penchant for liquor and giddily excited at the fact that he works in the vicinity. two days in a row with this guy and i've already mentally crossed off about 2 years off the back-end of my life.
"it's not a marathon tonight. i need to go home early"
that's how cinqo de mayo started. and apparently it never ended.
"u want to go home?"
margarita's, beer, soju, korean food, beer...and i can't remember anything else which is quite a bummer cuz the conversation over the ridiculous smorgasbord of drinks was intensely interesting. even through my shameless billiard play, the free flow banter of american testosterone humor that enlightened the night seemed endless. it was a night of 2 buddies with the common denominator of 'love for liquor' playing a homophobic 'getting to know you' date covering potent issues of moral fiber, taiwan, human greed, taiwan, asian loopholes, taiwan, the next 5 years of your life, cultural idiosyncracies, taiwan and...oh yea...haidah.
"u forget what it's like to hang out with americans."
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