this backpack is my life. it's been EVERYWHERE. (i think i wrote an entry on how one's luggage can be representative of a person around this time last year) my backpack, handed down from my sister, drives the girlfriend's ocd crazy due to it's dirtiness. it's been to airports, restaurants, refineries, food stalls, hotels, motels, ships, clubs, bars, offices, planes, bathrooms, etc etc one being more dirty than the allows me to compact my necessities to a quick mobile kit. i stare at it every so often and wonder
how much longer can i live my life "ad hoc"...
i'm not going to be in LA this weekend. i'm going to be in wait, i might have to cancel that as of 5 minutes ago. and as time drags on without a definitive countdown to a return home, the mental fatigue exponentiates. all i wanted was 4 days in front of american television programming, a trip to costco, a couple of drunken-ktown nights with the boys. and with the unexpected passing of gramps my near future has 3 roundtrips to taiwan before month end and....
im going to houston june 1st.
i just checked my kris flier mileage and i've amassed 50k miles in 8 months without a cross pacific, cross atlantic trip. and u forget all the non mileage flights. think of how many short journey flights that is? im living in 4 countries at once. coming back to barren apts after barren apts. having family in this region should help take the edge off estrangement, but with the dynamic of tension with my family and i, i resort to a makeshift group of friends and significant other for that backbone of stability. i've done okay. i just need to reconnect with US soil.
hi Alex! can't wait to see you on June 1! i hope you still have my #! i think i lost yours so you may have to send it over my way again! ttyl
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