yesterday, i had an early morning meeting with a broker over ka yun toast, soft boiled eggs, lime juice and kopi. other than the fact that mornings are bound to start a bit slower and that mr broker was 45 min late, our first hour of catching up started far from the realms of relevant issues, but rather the coal mining casualties in china, post revolution. an estimated 3000 workers were dying weekly since revolution times due to reckless and hazardous mining conditions. even after the gov't, for the first time in history, issued an apology after riots last year, who could blame the gov't for keeping one eye derek says "with 1.5B people, we can make 3k more a day!"
for change of scenery and a better gauge of eta, i've switched from the bus services to mrt services. my walking distance is a bit further, but as of my recent apathy for morning jogs, its become my only cardio vascular exercise. the mrt alternative has me co-mingling with more singaporeans on the crowded train and has a confirmed my initial observations that tragically, singaporeans have terrible complexion. male or female, the oily craterfaced countenance that completely draws attention away from any sort of confidence, energy, attraction, good aura is distractingly hideous. the mrt has also confirmed an earlier observation of the infiltration of china chinese throughout EVERYWHERE! the past 10 years has new york city boroughs (queens) flooding with china immigrants, my most recent trip to australia has me shocked at the number a chinks spitting on the sidewalks, and singapore is teeming with china accents in all sectors of the service industry. from hairy legged women on buses to loud cackling china women on the mrt's in the morning. what a way to start the day.
and on the walk from the mrt station this morning, i realize that maybe i've hit phase 3 of settling in spore. maybe i've been fighting being here too much. or just riding the usual wave of immaturity and ignorance to work around my "debatable adhd" to settle in this sterile environment. this seems to be a good place for me, a city designed as a commuters hub, a city catered to expats chock full of global influence financially and socially, yet still rich in it's cultural hodge podge of malays, indians, chinese and british influence. so, with ep complications sorted out and a vision to furnish my apt into something more liveable, and forward planning of weekend globe trekking, this year looks bright.
since i've moved to this equatorial country, i think im actually more pale.....maybe not as pale as this one....she needs a rockstar stage name....any ideas?
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