could possibily be the worst place to hang out and have a couple of beers or a lot of beers. as if the weather wasn't humid enough, the smoke and heat generated from the food stalls makes wiping the sweat off ur face cardiovascular exercise. and if u miss one heat of face wiping, the saline addition into your char kuey teow or carrot cake complements well with the already oily, greasy and savory platter of cholesterol goodness. i had slept 3 hours from the night before, was running on caffeine and adrenaline most of the day and went for celebratory dinner with el jefe before joining will's dad for ROUND 2.
papa lee is a machine! he's got a motor mouth that rivals me on a good day, sleazy jokes that curls up wallpaper, the good looks of will, the decibel level of viv, and a raging liver to go with it. beers are beers, that is until u have to bring out the crate to fill a dozen empty bottles of 32oz tiger beers. and when u have enough beers, u just want to sing. right in the middle of newton circus hawker center, will's dad did quite a couple of renditions of "NI DE XIN TAI RAN"....awesome.
i have a headache.
look what irene made me!!! she's starting her own jewelry line
cass got sooo big!!!
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