under the blanket of equatorial humidity and the ambiance of the kopitiam, it's a rare and welcomed occasion to find yourself @ the antithesis of everyday singaporean attire (flip flops/shorts and a tee)...last night's royal gala charity event @ the conrad ballroom was that generically profiled contrived haute cuisine, posh, money money fund raising event, filled with well dressed, good looking, jewelry dripping young and old attendees....i arrived fashionably late wearing the skinny black gucci tie that i've wanted to strut for so long, eyebags and a bit of delirium from the the previous 48 hours of meetings + green tea + whiskey + coffee + diet coke. however, it's that euphoria of fatigue that got me through the incandescent mingling which i've oft found myself tired of wheelin out as of late (regardless that it's been known to be my forte)...caught up with some old friends...ran into some random friends....and met some new friends........

doodI know that guy-Mark Zee. He was studying at the same ICLP program as me during my tw days. oh those tw days..
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