i would say the makeup of most of the word is ur standard small minded individual perfectly correlated to fiscal breakdown from a macro view by global dispersion country wealth comparison to a more individual country class/tax bracket structure breakdown. when living or striving to be part of the "connected" and "driven" demographic of society, it's easy to be ignorantly frustrated by the majority of the populations lack of ambition in living. lack of care outside their immediate realm, complete disinterest in worldy affairs and complacent in the blissful self adjusted reality of their comfort zone. kudos to them for being able to find their own harmony in living off the fat of the land, in being parochially content. amazing way of living if you ask me. (stereotypically, the aussies could be the malays of the caucasian world)...there's a heavier tone of blatant racism outside of sydney as well....
"we get no bonus, low pay, but i like the people i work with"
"i don't think im gonna leave melbourne...i like it here, it's slow and relaxing, i think im going to get pay per view sports cable"
thre's all these korean movies and drama titles like "my wife is a gangster", "my mom and houseguest", "my sassy girl"...they should make a reality tv show "my gila boss" hahaha...CHUG CHUG CHUG.....
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