it's been quite some time since my right brain has stirred up trivial banter for the blog. and recently with a huge influx of toxic intake, my insight lacks depth that has translated into some lost fervor in the daily posts to satiate my attention craving narcissistic lust. and as the days pile up where i don't post anything, it comes to my attention that my every log of events will have a gap. which at the 4 year blog mark, is unacceptable. so here goes....
as evident in the pictures from the past 2 weeks of taipei holiday vacation, i took the word vacation to a new echelon of hedonistic indulgence. and as i've also oft acknowledged that i am an extremist, the same day i arrived back from holiday, i had a few grown-up revelations about the upcoming year. the moment i plopped the backpack down in my bareboned apt, the thought of finally furnishing the place to make it more liveable-hangoutable-chillable crossed my mind. the first poignant slap in the face to the past 4 years of livingoutofasuitcase lifestyle. professionally, i've worked out the beginnings of my own book and emotionally, i may consciously be starting to steer my rudder back towards the yellow brick road. correction, i'm fighting for it. all in all, epiphany of maturity!
and of course after that lil schpeel on maturity, let me update you on whats been going on all week. i can't remember what i did on monday. tuesday, i would have forgot i had 4 bottles of cristal if i didn't find this in my pocket the next morning. didn't even make it home.
then wednesday, i had 7 course shoddy omakase @ dozo with 6 women. dinner seemed a bit stuffy, as i felt uncomfortable sipping my soup so i consciously shoved the entire spoon in my mouth every bite just not to make noise. to relieve the meals conversational highlight of leo in aviator and clooney in michael clayton, i ended up at st james powerhouse for a nightcap. one bottle jdubs please.
last night, anne-marie invited me over for dinner cuz she said she was cooking indo food for a few friends. a few friends turned out to be a gathering that reminded me of my prepschool jewish family get together days. the full nine yards of formalities and introductions....hello, how are you, shake hands, kiss kiss, nice to meet you, where are you from, nod nod, sip sip, can i use your restroom to slit my wrists in the bathroom please? hahaha...j/k! i downed a bottle of wine by myself, convinced the kiddie table to head out for drinks. had a jug of carlsberg while everyone else sipped their wimpy drinks. and increased my singlish vocab. STEADY STEADY BOM PEI PEI!
happy birthday tran.
happy birthday chief. dedication time....
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