choice" amidst one of my typical long winded bouts of whim in reference
to none other than the illustrious DCC, aka gusher, aka "the people's playa", this title recently sprung itself out of
a cocooned haitus only to be reborn in it's full potential. a legit
adjectif for miss icrt weekend buzz, louisa lee.
the people's choice. how does one person, one amongst the masses,
all of a sudden become an expert at the arbitrary opinions of everyday
matters. from what gene
pool does that kind of expertise credibility spawn? i sit here in a fit of jealous angst as to why my opinions, through so much effort as displayed here, aren't the choice for public representation. however, through no direct effort to brainwash the world, an on-air personality directly correlates to "quote worthy material!"....(ie ben afleck quoted about the bosox, suze ormans ridiculous column)...grr...kudos to her. tears for me. why can't i be a rockstar already!
1, its my bday! i can be snap happy if i want, betch! :)
2, i cant help it if im pristine and doll like all the time ;) hahaha... but i'll post the most unflattering pic of me gorging on a cupcake, how about that?
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