"u're at the top of ur game....and i'm a business man....who cares what your dad thinks....."
from that moment forward, the top-of-my-game/business-man joke with connotations of earings/spikey hair/baggy jeans/and the owner of a cell phone store was the butt end of all our jokes.....so when i had 2 mobile numbers on the past week, be assured that i quasi felt like "the top of my game" ....hahaa....but in addition, something about being on this contrived, controlled, economic powerhouse of a communist island, that has filtered my perspective of things in an angle of 'value appreciation". i think i'ts always been in me to be all over the place and think of schemes upon schemes, constantly thinking and weighing out opportunities and upside especailly when i purposely ignore the micro opportunities. so when ed norton's insomnia prices the world as an ikea catalogue, i'm somehow pricing the world as one big fica score......
my head is currently spinning with plot ratio and roi.......
moving on, it's korean thanksgiving. happy choosuk! but of course not so happy choosuk to those koreans that add fuel to the stereotypes of korean elitism which in term leads to "very annoying to work with"....and as i was asked today, "what do koreans have to be thankful about?"...i replied..."i dunno, bad temper? plastic surgery? kim jong il?"...of all the complaining that i do about the other races, the koreans have lived up to the worry of "backstabbing" and "stingy" and "unreliable" as a group, and my complaint bleeds through 3 tiers/facets of the business....as i mentioned via an email instigating my ego maniacal korean friends, it's only complaint out of habitual attachment....take it as words of endearment......
(i'll leave the bitching towards the fasting fatigue of islam for tomororw)
can't sleep. just popped 2 nyquils. so today i celebrated chosuk at a chinese restaurant and figure in order to balance that out, tomorrow i'll bring "sojew" to the chinese celebration of autumn festival. hehehe.
this is nasty.
hahaha i can't imagine another man who is in more dire need of a blow job like you.
have fun in vn. we'll still be cuter =)
hahahaha i just read ur comment about my Top Chef synopsis. I'll be more careful next time with my word choice, hahaha, which was admittedly horrible.
Can you send me some of that curry sauce? I LIKE it!
eww curry sauce with fries??? kinda interesting though i wanna try!
STINGY? We may be backstabbing and unreliable....but my college credit card debt is owed to my constant need to say "Shots for Everyone!!" and...."I'm older, let your noonah treat you"
interesting ...curry sauce. I gotto try it.
woooooah, curry sauce!!!! at mcdonalds! =D i gotta try that when i visit one day. haha.
omg, i'm OBSESSED with curry - please send me some!
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