my effin' fone bill is $800+SGD just for the spore taiwan number is gonna be ridiculous too...effin A...but i can't really complain about my own retarded auricular carcinogenic habits...HOWEVER, i CAN COMPLAIN ABOUT THE EFFFFFFFIN' COSTS OF VISA's!!!....china visa....UGH...BIG TIME UGH. but then THE VIETNAM VISA!?@?!@#!@?#....130SGD?!@#?!@?#!@#?!@#?.....that's such BS.
australia's next top model....

singaporean fabio....

i think they like each other.

so we had this talk about thaksin....the guy is undeniably greedy, but honestly, if he owes 2Billion, just fine him and let things move on, relatively, suharto owes 12Billion. how you gonna compare??? give'em a break!
urr... are visas supposed to be expensive? i got my india visa for $60 US... how much is 130SDG? man, i hope korea's visa isnt too bad.
yoooooooo! btw, do US citizens need to get visa to visit singapore?
your top model looks like a skinnier donald trump w/hair! look great. how many pounds have you shed?
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