there are some people that u can whiskey with and do stupid shit with for life. then there are those who want to take a break from the stupid and analyze the stupid. but it's not stupid. so in the midst of understanding one another more, learning about the different levels of chi and controlling oneself in one owns realm, i, somewhere during the johnnie walker induced bus ride, thought, "my inability and insecureness to handle women has undermined my career. and not the other way around. it wouldn't have been so much as a blatant statement if i continued the path of academia. but i didn't."
there's this one guy taiwanese guy in china that i am seriously in awe at. he embodies taiwanese machismo. first off, his name is sky and the only way i can describe him is; imagine how taiwanese people say versace...."VUHSAH-SSS"...if you understand that, then understand he's the young guy with a cigarette and betelnut in his mouth, in capri shorts, a flowery shirt and white loafers. pale skin, gold chain, rolex and parted non gelled hair. he'll constantly flick his head back and use his thumb to part his hair out of his eyes. all whilst jutting his non musclar chest out to point at u and yell, KI-LO-KIA....which means..."force ur throat open and just let it flow" then there's the "four dollar one" but i like "ki-lo-kia" better.
the introduction of "KI-LO-KIA" marks the inception of my lifes new creedo. in addition, it triggers the beginning of a new line of footwear and glassware. with the 4 of us immersed in the novelty of "ki-lo-kia" we pushed our influence upon others around us. like uncle ma. with my spartan mom out of town, i made arrangements to have dinner and drinks with the ex-owner of multiple ktvs and discos.
within 30 minutes, uncle ma had already chimed in on the "will is gay" jokes. timmie said it was the "best night out he's had since arriving in HK"
timmie ended up in the toilet. and that's what came up. delish.
Hi guah!!! i read your email.. i'll email you back soon.. been superbly busy..MISSS YOU!!!
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