the lars is leaving tonight. and leaving means "send offs". even if i had just thrown up 2 hours prior to meeting up from the night before. it's been a more developed friendship with larry the past month even if he thinks berating me with punches so hard it makes me convulse all night is fun. a few nights ago, we met up "under the bridge" and with all the recent cyclical changes in our lives, caught up and reminisced...."can you believe 5 sandwiches was 2 years ago?" (i was distraught over a female pursuit at the time, partied, got hammered, and inhaled 5 sandwiches from 7-11 which larry caught on camera). funny how these anecdotes are markers of time. things for the both of us are gravitating back to the point of origin, 2 years of rebellious fury, hopping from one haywire concept to another, only to come back full circle. i'd like to think of it as tuition.
so of course with pain on my side and a late arrival at 'kong jian', i arrive at the perfect moment when the crowd of 4 sucked down absinthe, 'green fairy'. so the night began. and willie came out. which had me somewhat in a "put my head down" state. am i that cold hearted for not being able to be friends with an ex? im not avoiding friendship, im just needing time for history undertones to subside. is that so bad? (me n the lars disagree on this one)...that's not the part that's so off key, it's the 3rd party triangular friendships that have developed that im worried to push closeness in that direction. of course alcohol always helps.
flaming lips - she dont use jelly
the bravery - unconditional
the doors - five to one (jayz samples this one? someone give me the song name)
david bowie & queen - under pressure
funny how i just saw this movie on my plane ride back to LA....yea, she's a hottie.p.s. music is on its way
why archive?
download "hey there delilah"
"oh wut u do to me..." -plain white t's. song is so old. ps. that pic is so funny. i wanna see that movie.pss. u guys make asia look fun. but then, isn't it? yes!
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