ANGELS...back by popular demand...


after reading alvin's new years resolution

"SING WITHOUT BEING EMBARRASSED - Some of my karaoke friends will laugh at this one. I'm such a ham when it comes to singing at karaoke. But when someone asks me to sing a song (usually when I'm playing my guitar) I shy up. Or when I talk about a song and someone asks "how does it go?" My repsonse usually is "I'm not going to SING it!" and just recite the words in a monotone voice. This resolution nicely complements resolution #2"

makes me think that i gotta stop being soo self conscious about my writing...and it all starts right here with posting stuff online..sharing random thoughts to anyone who will read...but i always tend to 2nd guess my text as being cheesy corny...and who will care about this stuff...but as i've been told by online lyricist extraordinaires...u really just gotta get all this junk out first...then the real diamonds in the rough will slowly start to appear...

"me against the music..."


in other news:

in the midst of this mad cow rage...there has been tons of media coverage on the cattle/meat packing industry...and all the newspaper/magazine articles have pictures of cows in some corner of their article...

have you taken a look at a the cows in the picture?...they just look soo sad...sick or soo dejected..."someone help me...get me the fuck outta here...mooo"......

and all of a sudden..eric scholsser, author of fast food nation, has become nationwide defender of the cow...the household name associated with meat (the next upton sinclair as you will)...funny...but i give the man some real credibility on the knowledge of cow.........READ THE BOOK....


lenny wilkens....blegh...u do realize that he is also the most LOSINGEST coach in nba history...


hehehe....BLING =)


how many of you know what a splashpad is...and how many people use it...???




everyone share games and give input on different versions of ways to get shitfaced...lemme share some of my most common ones..

KINGS - but we change all the rules

8 - scattagories

9 - bust a rhyme

10 - social

jack - back or never have i ever?

queen - forward or make a rule

king - pour into community cup

ace - waterfall or pointing game (point at somone and ask them a question...the person pointed to needs to point at someone else and ask another question without responding to the question being asked)

its been done with the whole deck...numbers 2-7 are used to point at anyone you want and so they drink for that number of sucks...

any game where someone else counts the seconds or you have to drink for that amount of seconds sucks (circle of death..or pyramid of death?..i have no clue waht its called but it sucks)



u play war

1st round winner pours in communal cup

2nd round winner pours in communal cup

3rd round loser drinks communal cup


DICE GAME - something victor brought back from taiwan

7 - pour into communal cup

8 - pour as much out


everything else is nothing


H-0-R-S-E .... u miss you drink (play with mini basketball hoop or trash can...or basically anything you want...)

then there's hoan tran....0-5-10-15-20




mi55mango said...

i'm sure you have a great voice and if not, who cares?! the good thing about karoake and alcohol is that when everyone drinks enough, no one sounds good.
i am so sorry. i always shudder when i see that angels picture. not that you and that guy aren't beautiful or anything. haha

rosaleen said...

ahahahaha Loveee that picture, u have the BEST expression!!!!  SOoo hot mama alexita~ hehe
Get me the fuck outta here, moo??
Wanna go to FL?!?!?!?!

yanyan712 said...

nice tits.  i can hear hoan go "oooooooh" in that picture.  wuhahaha.  i miss the other two hotties, vic and larry.  hey put them up there!  how about that one with vic's ass exposing.
i hate games, any kinda game.  i always lose.  drinking games suck. 
i am with u on the write-wutevah-the-hell-u-want.  this is ur page.  other ppl can take it or leave it.  so i am looking forward to reading under ur skin (no pun intended), derp.

p00h67 said...


rosaleen said...

SPring Break starting from March 12 (friday) until March 21st (sunday)!!! SouTH Beachhhhh!!

rosaleen said...

yeah i thought about bahamas, even the cruise (My friend knows an agent so it'd be around 5/600)... But, I just want some sun so FL will do!

asianchiki said...

that picture is so gross. it makes me feel uneasy ughhhhhhhh

heysong said...

alex, i have now saved this pic on my desktop, and i have named it "importantXXX" i am gonna save this, and show it to your future wife and kids.....

heysong said...

shiet... u know wut the scary thing is?  is there are actual asian girls that look like dat... damn...i wouldn't have guess it was alex or hoan(some dudes) if i didn't know them.... i would have thought it as two ugly ass bitches......  com'on now, u ALL KNOW wut i am talkn about....

miffybunni said...

dude, that pic is hilarious!!!  kinda freaky, but definitely a good laugh.  and yes, i was about to clock my coworker...  tahoe!!!!!

smileysue said...

omggg how u been? i havent talked to u in soo long. how didu find my site??

jchow23 said...

hahah that is my favorite picture of the year!
hmm. drinking games, eh? getting ready for this weekend? >=D we do something a lil different for kings. whoever gets the ace makes up a rule for the game. it can't be any rule that is going to get one person to drink all the time like "everytime i drink, alex has to drink too". my favorite rule is "you can't say the word DRINK". oh man, people get drunk FAST. >=D

vixstar said...

i got this mentholated chapstick from japan it makes your mouth feel like it took a trip to alaska...
and now that you mention it...maybe it is a good idea to use it when i'm having korean...THAT kind of korean...

my_inkstains said...

alex, you make such a sexy woman! ROAR! so steamyyyyyyy.