RANDOM STOOOFFF>......mah neck...mah back.....

1. i really might have ADD..HAHAHHA...my mind always wanders on tangents...esp when people tell me long stories that require tons of build-up or background info...but honestly it's not that im not listening...brain rotates on about 8 cylinders...overlapping one another think VENN DIAGRAMS...takes an extra second to sit...then i respond....(mentally)

2. clear communication vs. ignorance.........I CHOSE IGNORANCE...why?....ehh..most likely because what i am ignorant about i feel is petty....but i really do mean well..so please dont get mad

3. lyrics!!....im starting to listen to lyrics??...my goodness....i'll post some excerpts:

  • not part of the song but....this is a song about uhmm...talking to the person you haven't even met yet...maybe they're rolling around in the hay with someone else....but they're not as good as you'll be....YOU JUST GOT TO WAIT YOUR TURN!@##@!!#

  • ...swim in a deep sea of blankets...

  • ...with your hands on my waist AND YOU KISSED ME LIKE YOU MEANT IT>......

hahaha...im a whiny emotional sap.....uhmmm...gimme a break...dUH~

4. esther's birthday present....0 ISLANDERS V. 5 DEVILS....i hope you had fun!@#!@@!#@#

---be wary of the condom hat....esther i know you hate it but i love you all the same....=)......which reminds me....y'all can't see that she has 'jam pong' hair!!..hahahaha......of course i need to explain what jam pong hair is...so...

5. JAM PONG!!!!

okay annie...i really had to put his picture up...u can beat me for it later...I LOVE JAM PONG...urgh...*muah muah*

6. art of burning cd's for people.....

my goodness do you guys not realize how much pressure there is when someone asks you to make them a cD...we're talking audio cd...not some sissy mp3 cd where you can just put a million and one songs on it....but we're talking a compilation of ur most prized songs...but a list that is contoured to fit the other persons aurical genre....

  • read HIGH FIDELITY!!!....

  • for some poeple sharing music is everything to them...for me...it's a big deal..but come on...i'ts just music...get over it..hahaha....did i forget to mention that im not big on lyrics?...so no real personal attachment that i can or cannot share with someone else.....SING LAUGH WALLOW SCREAM AND ENJOY

  • a cd holds about 16 songs....jeez...first you narrow a list of 1 BAJILLION songs down to about 100 ...then kind of cut it down from there.....and then after the songs are picked and burned...u better not be listening to your list....cuz you're gonna wanna keep replacing songs!!...although...i dont know if gut instinct is the right way to go in this situation either..it's a ..gamble all in all..."the thought that counts right?"

  • after the songs are picked..there is the ORDER of songs that must be put in place...i mean....u wanna think about whne the person is gonna listen to it..u dont want someone to put it in their car on the morning drive and...BOOOM...."WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE"..i mean...come on...u need gradual progression....but that doesnt' mean put the best songs all the way at teh end either....

  • then there are the miscellaneous songs that just dont fit on the cd at all...diff languages..or diff beats..wehre the hell are you supposed to add those jammies in.....

i think thats all i can think of for now...let me give some thanks to those poeple who have attributed to my sudden musical CRAZE

all started with nell....../67/allgood/b2gi/DCC/dOp.........

7. best friend for the week...mr DREW CHUNG....hahaha...i stare at this picture of you everynight before i go to sleep...*swooon*

8. what post can be complete without a picture of my gf....(DU..u're gonna enjoy this one....)

...ever since GEETAR SEASON....havne't been able to attack the literature...but i swear i will....kerouac..ugh..i'll finish it one day....def gonna give lord of the rings another swirl.....convo with god..is lagging....try to finish it by this week..as you can see...the really LOW ATTENTION SPAN is kicking in.....duH~....i'll go read some more....

8. how many of you out there..take DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS>..or specificallly WORKOUT SUPPLEMENTS?....including power bars and stuff....u really think it works?...and how do you feel when you stop taking it.....

9. sports illustrated v. ESPN the mag......U TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK!

10. who wants to go snowboarding with the boys this weekend!?!@?#!?@....more...if u wanna join the fun....gimme a ring...or email....

11. being spoiled is relative.....is it not?....ugh...leave me be...

12....HAHAHA....they say im getting deep.....HAHAHAHAAHa...

okay..no more posting....30 min into this post and im kind of sick of xanga.....=)


p00h67 said...

**SN. burning a cd for someone you hardly know is an incredibly difficult task. you are battling between wanting to share music that reflects you but at the same time you want to pick songs u think the receiver would like.  THIS IS WHY MILLI VANILLI was included. shows my random appreciation for early 90s jams
oh felt like i had to re-tell the reason why. just so you know. a-dERP. face hurts.

lilgolfb0i said...

whoa...alexander has gotten xanga. ahaha. ill be waitin for that post.

suncartoon said...

hey~..... wassuP~..  how are you... what happen to all my cds?
hehehe~... hope you doing well... x)

my_inkstains said...

AAAH AHAHAHHAHAH i think i've found the new xanga to read. thankgoodness you came into the xanga world. everyone's pages were getting so boring.

Anonymous said...

hey homie,
were you storign up all your xanga steam to stoof us with teh mega blog?
this one gave me hours of enjoyment!

one1004 said...

hahahaha kat. omgosh longest entry ever! how was cameltoe? i mean camelback? i'm HURTING!!! sorry we couldn't meet up...but soon we shall meet again =) how's the C.s.Lewis bk comin along??? haha supplements shuplements...u don't need that ddong. we'll do it all natural this semester. healthy eating. so no more pumpkin pie, twinkies, cheetos, or girlscout cookies...dAMNIT! =)