while i post....
SONG: SAVES THE DAY - FREAKISH (67 when you get your cD...u better love this song!!!!)
FOOD: cosmic cantina constance burrito.....hahaha...."can i get a sunflower please...." (remember that one annie?)
replies to comments:
khym......yes...saving all steam for long posts.....and since you wrote "stooofff" im gonna have to tell a lil anecdote about that one
kat...the only way i can lure u to hang out is with twinkies....so i guess i wont see you ever......wait....mebbe i got a secret weapon afterall.....CAMELTOE TEA!
siham...haha....just wait till i get a chance to dedicate a whole page to you....a big reason i got this thing mr siham "the man" chen
part 1: MATCHING
match the playa to the description
(playa's can be used more than once...or not at all.....)
1. hoan "aznluva4life" tran (see pervious entry)
3. will "the thrill" lee
4. hanky panky franky also known as numba3
5. me
6. THE ZHONG yao ming aka "dulicious" (ILL GET SOME PIX OF YOU..DUN U WORRY)
7. lardy larry chen
8. "the mayor" (of htown) ANDREW CHUNG (see pervious entry)
a. within 2 seconds of entering a party...this guy dissappears...find him later w/3 chika's (hint: his fav word is 'honestly')
b. prefers canines..........
c. it's okay that he's a snob....He's pretty with pretty shoes!!....(not only that...esther said that you're amazingly photogenic..."while i was looking through pictures..."whoa who's that....oh my god its")
d. women ask him to dance......and he delivers the LIFT
e. women want him to go to the poconoes with them....
f. will only date women if he likes their boobs and their ability to drink liquor
g. doesn't like humans....angels only.....(hint: his favorite chip is doritos)
h. makes the girl crash to the floor when dancing with them...HAHAAHAHAH
i. "it's like fire and ice man...hot and cold....."...YHDS
j. if u're heads too big...don't even think about talking to him
k. he's got funny balls...comic strip in his pants...
part 2: the weekend?...
fart/camelback/snowboarding/SMIRNOFF ICE/funny balls/glad wrap/jungle fever/fart/16yr old girls (here's a calling card...call me whne u're 18)/sort shit out/unfinished business on the lift/chuh chuh chuh cHILLL.....RELAX........pipppen....u too...RELAX/tight asss in snowpants/make sure you do your exercises everyday *STRETCH*/chugging always leads to good things/JANE IM GONNA GET YOU NEXT TIME/yao's chinese interpreter....i think thats all i can remember for now.....
hey alvin...dont you wish you could have came?...oh wait....i forgot...u said..."....everyone else bailed out...so it was just me and 2 girls in a house the whole weekend"...........DAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
a few weeks ago....someone asked me what my new years resolution was.....i really didnt have any...i have a couple of short term goals..but not really something to fix or change..not that i shouldn't have any...i just didn't give it any thought because of the new year...but...i thought of losing some weight like any other person....and here's a lil twist on it...
if you ever get some time...go to www.thespark.com and check out the science tests and human experiments...most of you probably have taken some kind of personality test from that site....in anycase..this FAT PROJECT is pretty hilarious....while being a bored intern 2 summers ago....i checked this site daily just to read and check out the progress of these 2 people......so..in essence...mabye i'll post pictures of myself!..hahaa..and make it a lil test....when i figure out the rules and stuff i'll post more...of course weekends would be added bonus....10 beers equals ##inches to the waist.....
SONG interruption: INCUBUS - I MISS YOU (acoustic version) don't we all love brandon??!....DUH~
one guy tested....of course imma need to find a girl subject....hmm......or maybe forget this whole weight loss thing....maybe i should just try to recreate the 30lbs in 30 days.....OOOoOOo...someone sponsor me for this one!@#!@.....60lbs in 60 days..HAHAHA..FEE FI FO FUM!!@#@!
part 4: FANTASY SPORTS (i think im gonna have to dedicate this one to wHL1)...hahaha..im gonna have to add this picture
hahaha....okay...im gonna have to post on this subject later....this picture is cracking me up.....btw...the relevance of the dedication and the person you see above mr WHL1.....is that he is a recovering fantasy sports addict...jeez..this picture is before he was introduced to the world of fantasy sports...imagine how he looks now......
part 5: INSOMNIA
cannot sleep...no james im not going through depression!!!(hahaha..maybe i should post about tuna one of these days....)
....mt creek today....esther is awesome on the slopes....GOOO KHYM.....
part 6:
.....anecdote on "stoooofff" will have to wait...u guys need some background information on the summer....
TEAM STOOOFF V. UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NANA NANA (hahaha....double meaning to that one)
mah neck...mah back...
why you always gotta call that kid on my phone...........!@##@!
i'll post pictures......=)
SONG INTERRUPTION : duke ellington and john coltrane....the feeling of jazz....