Happy Birthday ECHANG527 - Chefs Club

...and for echangs 25th birthday...we got a table at chefs club.  featuring MATTY MATHESON AND MORGAN MCGLONE.   "FRIED CHICKEN EXTRAVAGANZA!"  morgan is an old friend of amanda's....and i got the chance to meet and sample his MSG CHICKEN WINGS earlier this year at harpoon harry's superbowl monday...when we found out he was coming to NYC for chefs table in a collabo event with matty matheson...we had to go...and it had to be w echang...

we've spent many hours watching and re watching this...and even with this episode playing in the background...i can hear echangs laugh cackling in the background.  and id be lying if my ears didn't perk up with excitement when i heard matty's voice working in the kitchen...i was hoping he'd say DONUTS DONUTZ for eric's birthday gift...but he did one better...a birthday smooch.

the "Chicken Katsu"  foie gras torchon, buckwheat pancake, trotter gear maple sauce...im gonna re-create this at home with foie gras, chicken tender, leggo my eggo and maple syrup.... =)