the last frontier boasts unchartered wilderness: chock full of fresh air and trees and rivers and mountains and more fresh air and great tasting fresh water and bears and fish and glaciers and freshest air ever and tastiest tap water ever and amazing glacial ice to put in your whiskey and phenomenal fishing and crazy wilderness bears...and that's about it. the entire state of 700k people live in and around anchorage and are primarily made of mining folk and those that cater to them. there's 20 hours of daylight in the summers and i can't even imagine what 20 hours of darkness in the winter is like. there's one highway traversing majestic terrain connecting glacial lakes and fishing towns and mining villages. going anywhere takes forever, but the view never gets old, u ain't seen mountains until they fill your entire car window mirror that u have to stick your head out the window to see the top of the mountain. bald eagles fly over all the time, and they say there's moose on the roads, but i didnt see one so i don't believe it. i did however, see a bear. those exist.
if u ever get the chance, u have to go to alaska. its amazing. its a different type of vacation. it took a few days for the urbanite in me to stop and slow down and just enjoy the landscape, enjoy mother nature, breath in clean oxygen and ingest fresh water. and once my mind slowed down, once my body stopped wanting sensory gratification, i allowed alaska to creep into my veins...all i wanted to do was wake up and go fish. i just wanted to go hike. i wanted to have a sandwich and soak in the view. you should do the same.

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