"did you swim with geriatrics??" - no. i swam with 2k+ competitors. i don't know how i did it, but they say i was the third relay swimmer to get out of the water. which means i caught the two heats ahead of me...and then some. which means the fattest palest person in the back wearing board shorts smoked the competition. i started out in a panic amidst a sea of swimmers trying to get into their rhythm which wasn't as bad not being able to see further than a foot in front of you. u only gauge where u are by bobbing up for air, but that doesn't help because you're not familiar with your surroundings to gauge distance and relativity. so you just swim. i wasn't even sure how to gauge energy consumption as i felt so winded after the first quarter of the race wasting a lot of joules on adrenaline and being nervous. tho after i settled into a groove, i just got stronger. i made the turn and chugged away. i looked up to find the next swimmer ahead of me and plucked them off....then the next...then the next...so that when i hit the finish line and was helped up...the photographers were in shock..."who is this guy fat guy in board shorts?"...i was so fast out of the water (5 minutes ahead of larry). ken wasn't prepared for the bike. he was so amped i got such a lead he got out to a good start but unfortunately cramped up on the second lap allowing larry and jack to catch up. thats when i gave steve the pep talk. "catch larry, we have to beat him. he's so competitive, he's gonna be so pissed if we beat him with no training. just do it."
just imagine if i trained..."train? why mess up a good thing"

so nervous.

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