the california kitchen is very typically this color, this style, the stainless steel appliances with the mahogany shelves and a darker spotted granite counter top. i'm not a fan of this combination. i'd prefer a darker wood stain and a cleaner minimalist style. charcoals, gray's blacks and whites to go along with the stainless steel. art likes to cook. we went over for home cooked meal. salad with a home made lemon vinaigrette, lemon chicken and couscous, and fruit and whipped cream. so american. drank a ton. and crushed angela at chugging after swimming. haha.

danny's tacos 1000 S Grand Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90015
Neighborhood: Downtown (323) 529-7486
there's something to say about the value of proximity. there's also something to be said about the quality/value ratio. i don't find it worth the an hour drive for a taco truck that's nominally better than the one down the street from me...and so danny's taco's is the best i've had...cuz it's a nice walking distance away....and for 3 tacos at under 6 bucks...u really can't go wrong. pescado, cabeza and tripas. my fav. and i'm all about the sauce....
12:47 AM
just look at this menu. it gives me the same type of unnecessary overkill feeling as when i saw marlowe (SF) menu. we didn't order the food cuz we went for 조개구이 afterwards....and spirits do me much better than beer beer and more beer. i didn't even like most of the beers that i tried. Beer Belly sits at the end of a long parking's a dingy interior that is fine even though i didn't quite like it that much....esp certain detailing of the decor and the pours....but also their outdoor space is way too bare. needs an awning...and probably a darker stain on the wood porch...

Beer Belly
Address: 532 S Western Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90020
Phone:(213) 387-2337
Monday hours 5:00 pm–11:00 pm
Jae Bu Do
474 N Western
Los Angeles, CA 90004
Neighborhood: Wilshire Center (323) 467-2900
Los Angeles, CA 90004
Neighborhood: Wilshire Center (323) 467-2900
EP picked us up and we went for seafood grill. It's like Korea in La. Foods great. atmosphere is casual. pricing is fair. and soju was perfect. i may have drank too much kind of got me in trouble....which led to...
Dear Mr. Alexander Chin,
Based on our conversation on 5/29, below are the following action items which needs immediate action from you. While I understand that this is a working progress however, I ask that you don’t cause any delay in taking the initiative for improvement.
The following numerical order takes no relevance in importance, all are equally significant.
This only applies during the time of our “relationship” and if you want to continue to make the effort.
1. Prioritize and balance life
2. Consolidate friends - maintain friendship with one’s you value however, do not go overboard with less important friends.
3. Become less dependent on cell phone when spending time with JK
4. Focus on JK
5. Public vocal filtration/ Eliminate vulgar comments in public
6. Attempt to plan ahead
7. Display no affection to JK’s friends or female friends in general
8. Attempt to be more romantic
9. Develop quality time- one on one time without the presence of friends.
10. Switch mindset from bachelor single mode
I’ve kindly consolidated to top 10 action items while others were relevant..
We’re committed to sustainable business practices. Please print only when necessary, and recycle.
12:40 AM
the people i know outside of new york find their success in niche markets that i would never think of as a lucrative option to pursue until now. in keeping my ears and eyes open, and in tapping into a network of a thousand friends, i've hopefully triggered a few opportunities that might bring in the benjamins...socks. shoes. sandals. soap. lotion. headphones. clocks. sneakers. hopefully something strikes oil...
pre conference call meal....(well he had 3 meals)

at the office

pre conference call meal....(well he had 3 meals)
at the office
12:31 AM
i didn't grow up with korean food, so it's not innate in my palate to figure out those ingredients. and hence when i've tried to cook korean food, it's always missing something...until now. J taught me how to use 멸치젓 and 새우젓 to make 쌈장...and a variety of similar things...and then with some time on's all starting to make sense. as one of those cooks that uses whatever is available, i don't necessarily stay true to the original combinations make koreans frown. but it's natural to just make soup and then add noodles....but apparently 갈국수 in 된장찌게 is weird. i'm going to play around with it....turn everything into ccioppino/ 해물찌게. ㅎㅎㅎ.
2:04 PM
it's been quite some time since i've had a missed flight and i'll probably keep saying "i'll never learn" cuz i just trust my body to take a beating and somehow manage to go through the motions feeling absolutely miserable. and i really don't remember much from the after party other than getting off the bus, showering, changing, and packing...before i got the call from janet to go downstairs so she's not seen with all my friends with another dude. hahaha....anyways...needless to say there was a lot of wine consumption and it's still weird to see victor sober in the corner. and so...we got the call from downstairs at 710 that the shuttle had arrived and we had 5 minutes to make it downstairs. i was calm but janet was frantic. we made the shuttle, made the transfer. paid the 90 bucks. and got to SFO with 2.5 hours to spare only to eat some udon and be absolutely miserable....

sfo has these cool eco friendly water refill thingys...i wish the water were colder though.

and really the best way to cure miserableness is soup. and this 전골 was key! i highly recommend 뜨락. Th Rak 323-960-0037 127 N Western Ave Los Angeles, CA 90004 .

always good when they make 볶음밥 after...

sfo has these cool eco friendly water refill thingys...i wish the water were colder though.
and really the best way to cure miserableness is soup. and this 전골 was key! i highly recommend 뜨락. Th Rak 323-960-0037 127 N Western Ave Los Angeles, CA 90004 .
always good when they make 볶음밥 after...
1:42 PM
Eds wedding was at the CIA @ Greystone. probably the best wedding food i've ever had because i actually ate it. when do you eat wedding food? the lobster was perfectly cooked, the steak was tender and flavorful. i wouldn't be surprised if they sous-vide/confit-ed everything. and wedding cake was awesome too!!?? i even brought some back home cuz that banana cream cake was just so amazing. not to mention they brought in pinkberry to go with that amazing napa coffee....

how did we not crash into the cake?

i have no clue why im grabbing my crotch

facebomb is my new favorite app!

i didn't have a +1 to the wedding but was really glad janet came with me to napa. she had to prepare a night out on her apparently she took the shuttle into downtown napa...had a romantic dinner with her imaginary friend and brought a guy back to the hotel....can't leave that girl alone...everytime i leave her alone she comes back with another dude...hahaha.
J's romantic evening alone...

the afterparty

how did we not crash into the cake?
i have no clue why im grabbing my crotch
facebomb is my new favorite app!
i didn't have a +1 to the wedding but was really glad janet came with me to napa. she had to prepare a night out on her apparently she took the shuttle into downtown napa...had a romantic dinner with her imaginary friend and brought a guy back to the hotel....can't leave that girl alone...everytime i leave her alone she comes back with another dude...hahaha.
J's romantic evening alone...
the afterparty
3:53 AM