i somehow ended up at the 愛之味 factory. formal tour of the place with a powerpoint presentation of the 耐斯集團 introduction. these random occurrences add random tidbits of information into my life. retained facts when used in normal conversational setting it bewilders some as to why i would be curious about certain industries or how do i have knowledge of this subject. i have no real knowledge, i just somehow ended up there...(i'm very insecure if this comes off as one-upping) either way, it's the truth, i've just really had a tour of the bottling and pickling factory, i've seen their free radical testing room, i've seen their labs, i've eaten at their hotel/mall restaurant (which was amazing), i ate with the head hancho of 愛之味。。。it just happens...

this place is reallly good.
耐斯王子大飯店 紅檜軒

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