last night i went to the banyan tree club and spa for an event called "first thursdays". your typical moet chandon and ciroc sponsored event for expats and the seoucialites of korea. at which the conversation centered around 2 topics. 1. expat crowds just aren't as good looking. u gotta go local cuz they're hotter, and less snooty. they know their place. hahaha. 2. lets be honest, we're not korean. we're going nowhere in this country. sometimes you think u might be doing well, but "when i got my said i needed to be more respectful" HOW?
there's a reason i'm here, because i can assimilate better than most, i can assimilate here better than most. and i plan to use that to my advantage. and part of saying that is to know that i need a korean business partner. there are too many rules and even more arbitrary passive aggressive rules that as a local you'd fuck up, so as a foreigner, you just accept defeat. "we literally have people holding our hands in meetings, they smooth over the mistakes." - samsung expat

"there's no way i'd ever marry a korean...uhh maybe i shouldn't say that too loud here" - HAHAHA.
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