i have an obsession with youtube.  and i have an obsession with watching food shows.  and most recently, i have an obsession with watching egg cookery...

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAawGfEhzf4]


한추 - u only abbreviate things when u're on a first name basis with them.  and i am.  monday nights.  튀김 night.  i'll never learn.  too much drinks before my flight.


알랙스 뭐해?


wanna go baji?



and just like that, i spent the day an hour outside of soul sucking at wakeboarding.  i couldn't get up.  my forearms hurt for a week.  they taught me in korean, that could've been part of the problem.  me being overweight is probably another problem.  you're supposed to tuck your body as tight as possible and let the natural pull of the boat spring your body upwards instead of a guys natural reaction to pull and maintain your lower half stable.  another issue i have is that i have a short instep, so my natural squat and tuck position is not very comfortable.  i'm more at a horse stance naturally.  that deep asian squat is very uncomfortable for me.  and so i never made it up.  my arms hurt.  as i watched both 누나's be rockstars on the wakeboard.  we ate 삼겹살 after.  korea has some great spots outside of seoul.  reminds me of my backyard =).

and all the while, monica wasn't too happy i didn't make it back in time for her going away bash.  looks like they all dressed up for it and were waiting for me.  i showed up at pierrot late.  they were wasted with 2 guys all over them.  awkward and feeling like the third wheel, i left.  charged my phone and hit the sac.  until my phone rang.  






and just like that i was back at bar.  and here's the thing about bars in korea.  yea, there are bars.  but that's not the norm.  there are 술집's.  alcohol joints.  there are izakaya's.  places where u can sit and drink at booths, order food and get drunk.  then there are these same places that divy the booths into mini rooms with a monitor/keyboard and webcam on the wall.  when i arrived.  they had already ordered food.  they had already started drinking.  and they had already chatted up another room.  and once i got there, we picked up another tables tab then joined our rooms into a bigger room.  and so it began...

drinking games.  turned into nrb.  nrb turned into "i wanna go back to your place" - said the one with the braces.



what did you eat last night?


yea, it was pretty good.  a lot of garlic.  very legit.

did it come with pickled vegetables??? HAAHAHA...




tom and sungshin are getting married in december.  they met earlier this year.  he came to korea to visit jk.  met nathan.  and thru nathan met sungshin.  for one hour.  for coffee. for dinner.  exchanged numbers.  and then she flew to US.  and now they're engaged.  ?? i am very confused.  "we can't fight because we can't communicate"







i met janet tonight.  she was masayo's college roomate.  frank came out too.  it became a decent smorgasbord of expats and gyopo's.  people met people.  and people are now friends with people.  people drink heavily with people so after a few lines of "alex, can i live in your extra room"  janet then responded.  "DON'T F*CK HER"....pause...."i'm not worried about you alex.  i'm worried about her" hahaha.

feisty people are fun.



charles and charly kim.  (/'s)  these boys are korean but grew up in HK.  the elder is in the military.  while the younger doesn't have to due to an age loophole of when they moved to hong kong. the younger is still in college and is back in korea for an internship.  while the elder is just on a military break and leaving to hong kong this weekend to see his parents.  they are respectively 8 and 10 years my younger.  they completely smashed when i saw them, and i was completely not wanting to drink after the weekend i just had with benson and kenny.  they talk about the upcoming craziness in hong kong, youthfully excited for some boat party and trying to convince me to go.  sun, sitting on my other side tried chiming in by preaching about the vvip service that they were going to get cuz they have connections.  c'mon.

however, the conversation got interesting with the younger brother started talking about his fellow interns.  set me up on sohgeting.  she's cute.  malaysian.  korean.  chinese.  and then when i saw her picture.  she looked like my other sohgeting girl.  1984 and 1988 look the same.  hmmm.  which one to choose.  hahaha.

if u're reading this in disgust.  please hear me out.  or don't.  it doesn't matter.  i just need to state that for the record, these girls know my age, and are willing to go out with me.  if i were in the states, i would feel wrong.  but in korea.  it's normal.  u definitely do not feel that age gap AS MUCH.  here's why.  westernized thinking makes women independent and career oriented.  women finish party life in university and then want to develop their own independence and career before settling down.  korean girls party during uni and when school is out, it's time to find a husband.  a job is a job.  a job is not a career.  which is why many continue their education in BS fields like DIGITAL INTERACTION because it looks good on the marriage resume.  useless.

back to the matter at hand....pictures.kkk.  which one please...


i'm better at taking you around than a local.  u hang out with me for a day.  i'll take you to where you want to go, what you want to see.  and tell you the most efficient and streamlined way to go about the things that i don't want to see.  for instance, hop on a bus and get your sight seeing over with in one day.  do a first round of shopping while we eat....so that you can go back on your last day if u like.  i dont mind coming to get your hair done, but please let me just drop you off at the shopping district.  and don't worry, over a span of 4 days we'll cover every aspect of nightlife seoul has to offer. ranging from the local and cheap to the expat and expensive....and even the inverse.  u'll meet locals and u'll be gyopos.  you'll be the inverse, and most of all i offer to introduce you women.  lots of them.  follow my guidance, and u should be batting 3rd in the lineup.  











