on my flight back from LA this Hasidic Jewish couple sat behind me. they were from the stone age. completely aloof as to airplane protocol. continually reprimanded by the stewardess to put their seats upright for take off for landing. to put their tray tables away, not knowing to put the seat belt on and getting lost going to the bathroom. i guess that happens if u've never flown before and im really not judging that part. however, the fact that their 2 children had zero manners to keep to themselves for the respect of the travelers around them completely reflected very poorly on those 2 parents and unfortunately, a reflection that is tied to their pious devotion. tell your kids to behave and stop kicking the back of my chair. tell your kids to stop crying and control them for the sake of everyone in the back of the plane!! omg, if they were my kids, i would be so embarrassed.
unfortunately because they wear their religion, that's their immediate adjective, the hasidic couple. at that point, tough to segregate the stereotypes and be objective of my judgement. they sat behind me. they had terrible children. hopefully not a depiction of the crew as a whole. but what i don't get about people that live in such devotion, is that their deity doesn't factor in contemporary society whereas they prefer to apply their religious constitution to society of when those rules were written. not that u have to adapt to modern society if u dont want to but if u're going to live amongst others, at least be cognizant of whats going on around. its detrimental to urself and most definitely harmful to those around u. confusing to me. esp if u're going to live in nyc. my colleague mentioned that when bk decided to build a bike path that ran through the hasidic part of town, that community protested as to prevent female bikers from exposing their biking attire to their hasidic community, as to prevent the temptation.
a day after she told me that story....i read this story below.
Hillary Clinton’s Allergy Coughs Are Too Sexy for Some People
Photo: Left: Pete Souza/White House, Right: via Jezebel
As you surely recall, Hillary Clinton recently ruined an iconic photo of President Obama and his advisers in the situation room during the raid on Osama bin Laden's compound (above left) by revealing that her grave, stunned expression was actually just her "preventing one of my early spring allergic coughs." The photo was given yet another rewrite courtesy of Der Zeitung, a Hasidic paper in Williamsburg. According to Jewish Week, Der Zeitung scrubbed Clinton from the photo because it "will not intentionally include any images of women in the paper because it could be considered sexually suggestive." Nothing hotter than a woman in a brown-tweed jacket stifling her allergy coughs during a deadly national security operation — am I right men? Don't lie, you were turned on a little by that photo.
Hasidic Paper Removes Hillary Clinton From Osama Picture [Failed Messiah via Jewish Week via Jezebel]
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