sure u don't remember this.
there's def something wrong with the drinks @ circle which is why i was trying to avoid drinks all night. up until frank got me this monster glass of whiskey. i didn't even drink thaat much and my head is hurting. we've seriously got to find out if they lace their alcohol or something. anyways. i down that whiskey and patron shots show up. and free patron shots show up. the lop takes 2 in a span of 3 minutes and that second shot is basically drooling down his face. keep in mind he's already drunk and sweaty and doin the hands in the air stumble dance all night complaining about an empty circle and wanting to meet a dude at gama.
**10 minutes before that ...we drink a patron shot. and victor downs the shot. takes the shot glass and heaves it like a grenade back at the bar...john has to apologize to the bouncer**
so he goes from drunk standing mode. to stumble fumble mode. walking forwards backwards and sideways and diagonal ways. walking into walls. into the bar. into dudes and into chicks. all in all causing a lot of mess. a lot of people wanting to fight him....and a lot of apologizing from me. oh right. he was also in ass grabbing mode. so i tried to walk him to the bathroom. but that just turned into duck duck goose in that short hallway from the bar to the bathroom.
i had to take him outside. and throwing dead weight victor into a cab used to be a lot easier but since he's embraced the 10% of the time he can feel guilty....(which deserves a whole separate email in itself)...i shoulda just thrown him into a cab. which i kind of tried. but he didn't want to go home and preferred to wander into oncoming traffic. so after falling on the floor and trying to lean on the fence barricade and falling on that....we tried the one thing that victor would be down for when drunk. food.
so me lester and victor went across the street to the deli. and i held him straight while waiting for him to choose his entree of choice. but once i let go, he wandered to the back and fell ass first into the milk and orange juice. which of course led to an angry chink/gook behind the counter. lester took victor outside and pinned him against the wall while i got reprimanded by the deli and paid for some wings and porkchop.
loppy sloppily devoured one wing in one bite. threw out the the aluminum foil on the drumstick and chomped right down on the cartilage. then ran across the street back to circle. at that point, john du came out and at that point. we were like "enough of this...throw this motherfucker in a cab and lets go back in"....of course that didn't work. 3 cabs went by. tried to pre pay the cab driver. wouldn't take him.
john took him to kunjip i think. but somehow ended back at circle? he's gonna have to fill in that part. i was outside talking with some viets and taking pics which i dont know why they aren't on my phone this morning. then i see john and victor return. john looks like he's def had enough. tried to get victor into another cab. which didn't work. and of course, after victor gets rejected from the cab. he has to yell at the cab driver. "FUUUUCCCKKKKEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRR"....with the vibrato at the end. that of course doesn't bode well for the cab driver behind watching the show. and he rejects us as well. i dont know how john did it. but someone took him back. and that was that.
drunk lop.
the guilt reference-- vhsu
"i live my life guilt free most of the time. so when i do feel guilty 10% of the time. i want to embrace that feeling."
"killing people is immoral. i @!@$#$#@. that's a totally different thing."
"i don't kill people because i'm buddhist. but i !$!@#!@#!@#$@#!"
how do you pronounce phuong?
got it.
OMG! seriously this story is hilarious...i'm dying! lol
Passby ~^^
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