i desparately wanted to find the time to write my own version of vegas a la bill simmons. but there's just been too much time elapsed. and some memories are already fading because the current speed of our regression into frat boy lush's seems to be gaining....and with duyapalooza in the works...the vegas memories need to be jotted down any way possible. so be it if it's gonna be a bunch of phrases and short inside jokes that no one will understand. just know that we had fun. and it was nuts. kind of. haha. encore. tryst. xs. i didnt make it out one night. i woke up to p one night. the fire was burning for lucky one night (someone call 911). kassandra is loved. hank is now the universal soldier. chung stayed an extra day. ALL IN! meathead tv. my antonio. "why are we watching black entertainment"..."do we have to watch p90x infommercials?"....and TOOL ACADEMY. we have a theme some....cuz the desert misses the rain. and that's all due to that makeout competition...in which there was no making out. but it makes for a better story. and that in which led to the bet. that is btwn me and chung. which ends oct 11th. which is johns birthday. which is when chomo says farewell. which is also duyapalooza. oh right. while john didn't make the trip. he took down the unicorn.
oh yea...i ran into jin...and allen shim??? weird...
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