pigs are to truffles as
victor is to _______.
2 weeks later, i'm back in NY and on my 4th day back, i finally made it to project which was supposed to be the purpose of this trip. specifically, plans seem to change a bit more frequently with me, however as a collective group amongst being back with the debaucherous buddies around me - nothing has changed. and so to recap, unfortunately still with no camera...
i landed saturday night and by 10pm i was sloshed. by 1am i was kicked out of cain. and by sometime after that duk guk was being cooked on the stove. saturday just melted into a 2005-like sunday of wholistic healing, football, and topped off with sapphires and kunjip. sunday kind of then turned into monday and victor finally showed up. which equates to 1. eat a lot at typhoon. 2. go back to chomos. 3. go eat AGAIN @ 69. which i might add was a $55 dollar bill @ 69 for 4 people.
so i spent a full day @ the jump booth @ the javits center. and that just meant me, victor and larry, sitting around a tiny white table, eating egg sandwiches and drinking beer. @ 10am. conversation consisted of the follow phrases..."i'd do her", "oh i'd definitely get all over that one", "holy are you for real?", "okay that one is right up john du's alley", "larry, can you stop punching me?", "lop, EAT IT", "pizzer or hoan?", "let's get a drink". in summation we cover all 4 food groups. sex, pu55y, drinking, and hoans butthole.
if u're looking for me, i'll be in long island for a few days. recovering. regrouping. and waiting for round 2.
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