as much as i love surfing and reading the internet for continually up to date true and false information, i still find oodles more knowledge in the high gloss text of a magazine. i find that when u lick your fingers to turn the page of a shiny page of a magazine, the crumpling of the paper btwn ur index finger and thumb triggers a self-proclaimed chemical reaction that diffuses extra IQ molecules through ur fingers to your brain. that's my compromise to antiquated actual paper reading. (even though i've learned to love books, book reading has taken a semi-haitus for a bout 2 years now)...when i read a magazine, i always find the time to read it cover to cover, staring at each facet of the magazine that suits my persona at that point in time. i was once infatuated with font and studied the font of each section of a periodical, then there was the time i was into ad placement and spent a good portion of toilet-time counting the pages btwn ads, then there's the fashion trend study, and my own commentary of caption commentary...and then of course a sporadic urge to annotate the articles. most recently after this months jimmy kimmel cover article for GQ, i started reading up on the magazine correspondants.
No TV lineup in the world compares to US programming. and even with STAR WORLD syndicating US and UK shows for the English speaking population in Asia, i'm still limited to a tardy, locally filtered selection of overseas programming. Additionally, after some extensive TV shopping, I realized that the TV culture is undermined technologically. ironically, Taiwan, the number chip manufacturer in the world, doesn't cater to their own technological production capability. HD capable TV's almost make no sense to buy in Taiwan. I wouldn't say there's no consumer medium for home entertainment, there just isn't the options to utilize technology-forward gadgets that revolve around tv programming! digital cable is limited hence no 'on demand' (blockbuster seems to be doing well here, despite huge losses, -- someone bring in netflixxxXXxx!), i haven't heard one person use tivo or know what it is, and what's the point of buying and HDTV when there's only one HD capable channel? even if u wanted to grow ur blu-ray collection, ur blu-ray purchasing power is limited by the local selection.
ergo, im stuck with star world and recently i've been stuck with a lot of jimmy kimmel. i've been one of his loyal fraternity followers since his "man show" days. i find kimmel hilarious in that easy going, non pretentious, 'one-of-the-boys" kind of way. not to mention im a huge fan of the pontiac garage lineup. he seems like like a celebrity i'd want to get drunk with. i'd want to meet him. we'd eat pizza, watch football and get drunk. now why does gq magazine correspondant jeanne marie laskas, author of "growing girls" get the opportunity to do a piece on the "LIVE" kimmel? taking nothing away from her literary experience and her english prowess, she writes a great piece on kimmel. she writes a first person omniscient narrative on kimmels nature, office life and home decor. she transcribes kimmel's personal anecdotes but it's nothing anyone else couldn't write sans a professional editor? a guy like kimmel paired up with a martha stewart lookalike (check out her website) seems like such a wasted opportunity for an unyielding fraternal piece that ties "anecdote" kimmel with "creating a new anecdote" into a first person narrative with an edge (or falling off the edge!).
maybe it was a good piece to get to know the "real kimmel" and we'll let laskas have her moment in the sun until, HOPEFULLY A FOLLOWUP. she had "daytime interview" with kimmel and got a "food vaccuum sealer" as a gift, now lets unleash one of his buddies (afleck, damon, or whoever) to give a first hand account as to what REALLY GOES ON and maybe adriana lima will ring my doorbell after the interview! man i wish i was that "magazine correspondant"
“People who use ChapStick have to have ChapStick with them at all times,” he says. “They have to constantly reapply the fucking ChapStick.
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