the above statement, a common immature statement by adolescents, whether fueled by spontaneous fury or not, is obviously an ill thought out remark which it's selfish actions actually cause a domino effect of indirect consequences...and by this i mean in the most cliched philosophical view that we as people, living breathing and on this earth, are all connected, all linked and all dependent on each other for happiness and sustenance. it's too easy to get lost in the whirl of luxury where life is defined by one's immediate radius of comfort. this short sighted perspective, if groomed from youth and not corrected by education and experience becomes permanent blinders throughout life. proper education and historical knowledge cures some, but experience leverages out unavoidable biased cultural teaching.
"economies of scale needs to be applied to all perspectives to fully assess ones action and it's exponentiated re-action"
with my american background, the greatest education in my move to the east, was breaking the shackles of american arrogance. american naivete. the swagger of the stars and stripes isn't ridiculous (due to it's superpower status) but definitely unjustifiably long lasting...which for the first time in 200 years, is realizing it's prodigal demise. an american takes for granted a strong dollar, a diplomatic passport, social security, clean air, fresh water, disease free food, and homeland security. and while i still have spoiled US passport tendencies (besides my bourgeois upbringing), my eyes are now more attune @ seeing the yin-yang-push-pull relationship of america's market-driving bully tactics and the 'wait to see what the US does" rest of the world reaction....
a post from may 14th, 2008
this is why people are starving in the world...
theworld is NOT running out of natural resources. the world has only
tapped into ~18% of oil reserves!!....the most obvious sign of this, is
the fact that you don't see oil majors scrambling to support biodiesel,
scrambling for an exit strategy to cover their own arse....panicking to
find an alternative energy. whereas, they just take an even bigger
stronghold by maintaining and not increasing opec production alongside
increased demand thanks largely in part to china...
even through
my selfish hedonistic greed, i am, theoretically very green, very
pro-earth. i do support the rain forest (since elementary school bake
sales), fight global warming and advocate recycling. i feel the drive
for alternate energy is awesome and cool! however, all this government
subsidy for biofuels which in turn are driving food prices up the
wazzooo and creating food shortages for poorer nations is completely
there's an article on mark cuban for wired magazine last
year discussing his HUGE loss in biofuels..."oh im just doing it for
fun now".
Pumped Up
Your Own Personal Ethanol Station
attain a certain stature in life, there are two things that no longer make
sense—cheap liquor and expensive gas stations.
So there's obvious appeal to the idea that you could turn cheap liquor into cheap gas in the time it takes you
to down an ice-cold martini (made with the good stuff). Say hello to your new
personal gas pump, the EFuel100
than waiting in line on a smoggy street corner for the privilege of being
gouged mercilessly, roll right up to the EFuel100 residing in your driveway (or
garage, or basically anywhere with a power outlet and a water hookup) to fill any
gas-burning auto with your homemade batch of ethanol. Just pour in the mix of sugar
feedstock and yeast—or the residual gin from your Bootlegger's Ball '05
gathering—and after a few days, fill 'er up. The MicroFueler makes 35 gallons a
week, each gallon costs you about $1, and your car will actually enjoy a little
more power (which is why IndyCar racers use ethanol).
Sure, you
can brag about the purported environmental benefits of your newfound gasoline
independence, but there's also a certain satisfaction in using that gas money
you saved somewhere else.
Like the bar.
EFuel100 MicroFueler, $9,995, now available for
pre-order online
im a pretty stark liberal (that is until i reach a different tax bracket tier, admit-tingly), but when liberal views are so shallow that it's idealistic goals of humanitarian grandeur are clouded inhumane acts, i'm not down. Obama Camp Closely Linked With Ethanol. when i read this article, it had me fuming. it's not that im in the oil industry that makes me more knowledgeable, more emotional, more intuitive on this issue, in fact i see the american oil bully from the outside in, fiscally factoring in commodity prices, inflation rates, currency depreciation, commodity increases and comparing it to the relatively LOW oil prices in america, the biofuel subsidies, the environmentally friendly green-marketing ploy and it's selfish diplomatic policy that steers the world for it's own aristocrat gain.
from the times article....
Many economists, consumer advocates, environmental experts and tax groups have been critical of corn ethanol programs as a boondoggle that benefits agribusiness conglomerates more than small farmers. Those complaints have intensified recently as corn prices have risen sharply in tandem with oil prices and corn normally used for food stock has been diverted to ethanol production.
...Corn ethanol generates less than two units of energy for every unit of energy used to produce it, while the energy ratio for sugar cane is more than 8 to 1. With lower production costs and cheaper land prices in the tropical countries where it is grown, sugar cane is a more efficient source.
...Corn ethanol generates less than two units of energy for every unit of energy used to produce it, while the energy ratio for sugar cane is more than 8 to 1. With lower production costs and cheaper land prices in the tropical countries where it is grown, sugar cane is a more efficient source.
lowering the cost of fuels is not an option when its making people starve! when third world countries that depend on it's agricultural economy to feed it's people now converts huge percentages of food into biofuel to offset american fuel prices (which is already cheapest in the world)...which effectively makes the local harvest too expensive for people to purchase.....
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