i don't sleep much . and i don't like to sleep. i think not liking to sleep spawned from not being able to sleep. and being that i've been described as "marching to the beat of my own drummer"....it sort of makes me that renegade type of maniac. through the good times, it's that unorthodox type of infectious attention getter people want to latch onto, however through the bad times, it might come off as a bi-polar and selfish downward spiral. either way, im a maniac who does not ignore consequential outcome. if i ignore it, it's consciously planned.
"u can undervalue me, but dont shortsell my upside"
drinking doens't help solve anything, but it sure helps a lot of things...so how do you blow off steam? i missed fridays flight only to miss saturday mornings flight as well. i fought with the counter for 15 minutes to give me the boarding pass, at which point i grabbed the ticket and ran to the gate only to watch the boarding arm back away. pissed off knowing if the sq asshole gave me my boarding pass at first instant rather than putting up a quarrel with me, i would have made the flight, i jumped on the next flight 4 hours later only to land in taipei and kill a bottle of whiskey @ barcode. then the next day i woke up and started the onslaught of beer @ brunch. beer @ the diner, beer @ carnegies. beer @ cashbox and beer @ pool hall. i took monday off and hit the piss again on tuesday.
for the record, to relieve stress....
i did try a more zen approach by admiring aerial views....
and listening to zen like musique...
and when all else fail, one can only resort back to drinking and perversion...
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