the shipping world is this crazy fraternity of ballistic men with hairy chests, raging hormones and a BAC level constantly at a gajillion. so, being that i naturally gravitate towards these kinds of people and behavior, i took off a bit early on friday for jurong port. first off, these ships are huge. secondly, nothing really unexpected of the mess room, pornographic calendars, dart board, xbox, leather chairs and a big beer fridge. looks chill, right up until they start busting out liquors from all over the world. this rum they pulled out, was the strongest shiiite ever. of course we downed 2 half bottles before heading out.
then it was pasta brava...and i got my wish from farida aka "morning coffee" ...
(distorted face!!!)...

and then muddy murphys. and then st james.

someone flipping explain to me why people in spore adore MARTELL? i feel the ulcer coming.
china girls are vampires. go straight for the neck. no good.
after an excruciating run this morning, i come home to see this.

HaaaaaaaaaaaaI love how will is unabashedly proud of being in that shot. Even giving her a kiss. Brilliant.
omg he let u take those pix? ahah
after he saw the pics...he said "omg, i look buff!"
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