i'm pretty good at planning my schedule around sleeping during dead times...aka traveling time....and all this excessive partying has made me need sleep more than ever...however....the 2 hour high speed rail there and back, originally reserved for rest, was just blurred out by excited fatigue and continuous banter.....i got a big mouth....and the other 2 can seem to match it.....

i love this girl.....i think i may have smoked my first cigarette with her.....
the night markets in the south are 100x better than taipei....
mama lee sesame oil noodles...didn't burn the arm this time
look at this loaf...
and this soon to be adopted toy poodle...
mos burger marketing is pretty cute...merry XMOS..and HAMBURGER IS MY LIFE
10:44 PM
and i drink everynight.
and i fobby peace sign every night.....

honestly, i don't remember what night is what night anymore. meetings in the morning, bottles at night....why can't chinese people cclebrate the holiday season like westerners....

this was delicious....it's always tough finding a restaurant to eat with for the grandparents, but this place was perfect.....同慶樓...- dun hua and he ping....

a fat person probably wrote this....i'll probably write something like this in a few days...cuz after dinner....i went for fries and tea...

and i fobby peace sign every night.....
honestly, i don't remember what night is what night anymore. meetings in the morning, bottles at night....why can't chinese people cclebrate the holiday season like westerners....
this was delicious....it's always tough finding a restaurant to eat with for the grandparents, but this place was perfect.....同慶樓...- dun hua and he ping....
a fat person probably wrote this....i'll probably write something like this in a few days...cuz after dinner....i went for fries and tea...
9:50 PM