semi lack of words for this post cuz i've wrung most of it out on RANTING emails the past few days. but the above mood was 2 days ago. of which the rollercoaster of pms took a backseat after my 4pm meeting yesterday. sometimes even i am amazed at the amount of bullsh*t i'm able to derive continually. so 4pm meeting recap...mister tommy is an extremely friendly guy who likes to talk. and of course, u know me, im usually 1:5 on the statement:reply ratio. he brought it. so i went with it and touched on cultural clash, my background, fnb, getting beat with bamboo, dpp, kmt, touted kenn/fabians horn a bit, entered the entertainment industry a bit, plastic surgery a bit, the weather, vietnam, thaksin, basically everything non-work related. i touched on some points in the industry early on and i remember he said "a lot of people ask us for info but we have to be very professional about things". however, about an hour in, after showing him some pictures and him saying "oh you're young, smart, this is a perfect position for u, u bring global perspective to the table etc etc...." he pulled out the laptop and opened up the juiciest of files. and when we left, he said it was HIS PLEASURE to meet me. HAHA....if only i had a knack for pickin up chicks as well as i pick up middle aged men. i pat myself on the back for this one.
farkin' taiwan. i'm not drinking tonight.
i go drinking with all my stylists....hahaha...bringin back the fade. (timmie, bring back the tails)
i always post pics of what i eat. what if i started the reverse blog of daily pics of what comes out. i bet there's really blogs that are like that. probably japanese.
you're really going into entertainment?---missing TW street foodies. *sigh
I just looked at that bowl and imagined it all shit as thatss what I'm doing now.
i've found that i'm good at picking up girls lately, we should switch our powers.
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