in light of chomo's bash...

i took down a whole crudload of crappy tequila in a very ...very....very short amt of time last night....and with no tecate to wash it down turned into a very hazy...not feeling so good night....humidity does not help either....onslaught of photos.....

can you tell the difference between these?

kdphi's are everywhere...doing the sign and the doggystyle butt pose

janie had her first stog monday...and here she goes again...PUFF PUFF PUFF (i am not the devil, i'd prefer to call myself a modern day jefferson....advocate of free will and democracy...power to the people)


Mindee_Mee said...

whooooaaaaaa...hotness....say...can your  tell your girlie homies i said, "heyyyy guuurlll" =) hanging around with some sexy girls alex!

KevKay said...

huloo....i guess u're a fren of ZS? wot a small world it iss....