let-tuce lt
s - dedicating this entry to my fav food
sometimes i take the reputation of mr social for granted because, maybe due to part exhaustion/part hangover, 2x this weekend (or my infamous extended 5 day drinking stint) i had to take deep breaths at crowded settings and consciouslly put the blabbermouth back into 5th gear....and probably coinciding with consecutive days of consumption, the johnnie just decided not to go down at all....so what more could a champ do than to ingest, force the burgundy fluid down the tube....and like magic, 2 drinks and no dinner later....we're good to go....
bad mornings and overly emotional days (hahaha) is giving my bad skin...very unfortunate to have developed a pimple on my nose, (stop laughing esther)....but if there was one thing that i came back from my travels different is how much more secure i am about being vain....yahoo!....and so...due to our picture whoring escapades, i've actively pushed myself to only show off the right side of my face resulting in a collage of one angle carbon copies from the entire weekend.....
i pulled my camera out of my back pocket before getting in the car....the camera popped out of the case....denting some corners landing on the metal grate, popping open the battery and hence falling INTO THE GUTTER....faaaakkkk....i was severely annoyed.
dear audience....how should the pictures start for the next few posts?...the the era of theme-ed posts dawn upon us.....(among the venn diagrams of my close peers and fellow readers, the word blog will eventually morph into a diary of alcoholics....even thinking back on posts, my life seems to revolve around nothing but...."the drink"....i swear guys...i'm deeper than that...really...i am....i swear it....goddammnit) -- and in saying that...the unveiling of the master plan will come shortly...more quotes/books/magazines/food reviews/diet plans and fiscal opinions to come....
jeezus christ....prior to the days as the resident tourist, updating oneself on news would always make me wonder how people live in civil turmoil, how people could call a place like that home and NOT want to get out, but after spending much time in indonesia the past year, i realized the resiliency of people to cope and move on with tragedies and only in that way was i truly able to appreciate and be mezmerized of being soo fortunate with that blue american passport....
i heard this last week ... "after girls date me....i take them to the next level......" -- anonymous...
so it seems to me like all of my friends have an affinity to putting STUFF On their faces....if its not pimple cream, preperation H then it's all about the makeup......last week...we shared expo moments over royal salute....this week hoan got makeup tips from my sister....hoan is a lady boy.
for the record: frank sat there and watched in JEALOUSY.
the thing is...like when you go to thailand and the trannies are better looking than the actual women...hoan is a lot better looking than a lot of the girls out there...which is fucking gross.
you guys are seriously so weird. and hoan looks like he enjoyed this a little too much...look at him posing with his leg up and shiet....that was my high school cheerleader picture pose!!!
what in the world.....
O my gaw
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