Instructions for Roasting a Whole Pork
Roast your pig in 3 hrs. 40 mins.
1. Open the pork by the belly, but do not cut or poke holes into the upper or side skin.
| 2. Prepare a thick solution of salt and water: Continue stirring salt into a water filled container, until a salt residue is visible on the bottom of the container. Inject the solution into the underbelly of the pork, every four inches, with the supplied syringe. The amount of solution to be injected depends on the thickness of the meat. Then turn the pork over and wet the skin with the same solution. Place the grease tray inside the Caja China. Tie the pig in between the grids, on its back and place in the grease tray |
3. Close the Caja China with the ash pan and charcoal grid. Allow 4 inches of separation between the roast and the ash pan. We recommend the pork or another meats be at room temperature, at the time of roasting.
| 4. Preparing the Charcoal: We recommend Kingsford Charcoal. It lights faster, burns even and lasts longer. Never use instant Charcoal. Start with 14 pounds of charcoal for caja china Model #1 and 16 pounds for model #2, place the charcoal into two piles of equal size, on each end of the charcoal tray .Never place Charcoal on center of tray. Add lighter fluid and light |
5. When charcoal is lit for 15 minutes, distribute it evenly throughout the tray. Once this process is completed, roast pork for 3 hours, without opening the Caja China. | 6. Add more charcoal after 1 hour and distribute evenly throughout the tray. See chart below for amount of charcoal to add and what frequency. |
7. After 3 hours, remove the charcoal tray, ash pan and dump the ashes | 8. Then turn the pork over and cut into the skin, every 4 to 6 inches |
9. Place the ash pan and charcoal try with new charcoal and continue the roasting process (this its for crisping the skin). Check the skin in 20 minutes, slightly opening the box by one of the corners. You can continue this process until the skin crispiness is to your liking. |
The charcoal you use for cooking is very important, we recommend KINGSFORD Charcoal because it lights faster and burns longer. * Kingsford is a registered trademark |
hmm roast pork
oh my goodness... thats all you need... that would be the end all and be all... that right there is the last piece to complete your bbq haven...
eww.. pig bones?XP
hey come out tonite!!
oh come on. i saw that one, too. It's just gross man. THe way the pork skin blisters, and how the entire family mangels the bits off the poor dead pig (imagine the pig splayed and X's for eyes)..
are u kidding?
that looks like a dead baby.
who would actually buy a dead pig, CUT IT IN OPEN, and wash out all the shit inside??!
i gotta c u perform the above next time when u host ur bbq.
i had a whole pig for my graduation bbq two years ago. it was cool. it was on a stick and roasting on the fire.. i think it was 200 lbs
to answer your inquiry....
Main Entry: [3]preenFunction: verbEtymology: Middle English preinenDate: 14th centurytransitive senses1 : to dress or smooth (oneself) up : PRIMP 2 : of a bird : to trim or dress with a bill 3 : to pride or congratulate (oneself) for achievement intransitive senses1 : to make oneself sleek 2 : GLOAT, SWELL - preen搪r noun
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