::just gave the john a tumlutous beating::

as sadistic as it sounds...sometimes the feeling of being tremendously hungover in the morning at work feels good...(might be a sign of alcoholism)

i don't mean it in a physical feel good kind of way...but in a mental im still young and partying it up any time any place...party still going on in my head....you pump the music loud enough over here..and u never know...i'll jump up on my desk and dance in my cube...




yanyan712 said...

is this why there are so many old drunks?  grabbing on to the youth...

Anonymous said...

hahahahaha...hungover again.

jroo said...

normal. i think it's fun that the cure for 'too much alcohol' is 'more alcohol.'

chomo said...

wow you post on xanga

you better have drank a bottle of jack or somethin

jchow23 said...

haha being hungover is never good!!
and =O you're gonna pick us up! yay! THANKS! :) i can't wait to see you guys again!!

jchow23 said...

by the way, did you still want some more online coupons?

honeybunny81 said...

let's go dancing...and bingsooing.. and nakjeeing

vixstar said...

cool i need a leather case for that shit

KKim624 said...

well look who it is...Sup Alex

dalgitang said...

haha i was looking at friday's date and i thought of u.  3 more days!

Anonymous said...

do u still have those cute lil piglet pink nips?