I feel like you can't just walk into any random 茶餐厅 anymore. Even if it looks good or looks packed...the quality of food ends up being bleegghhhh.
However. China Tang at the landmark the night before... That was some pretty phenomenal Peking duck. Only a year old...a must go. Cool decor too.
hotel icon...
stockton....this was hilarious.
AAAB - we hadn't met up in 3 years? it was a tumultuous 3 years of me being flaky, moody, embarrassed and just not in the same country as everyone else...so it made meeting up difficult or not a priority. but as i arbitrarily disappeared, i arbitrarily reappeared. saturday night. and wednesday night. both furious nights of throw back rampage drinking, sucking down ketel and soda's 2 at a time, chasing them with shots and chasing shots with more cocktails. it was a perfect storm of nyc nights...clubbing and l'express on one night. and all'onda and coffee shop on another. why i drove...is beyond me. good times. good times.
"you've aged..."
3 minutes buys you six months.
haha...oprah's a copycat....amanda brought her own truffles to have over the pasta. and XO ravioli.
diva mom and diva son spent some quality time making dumplings from scratch the days before i left for asia. "我以前沒有急。。。但我現在想抱孫子。。。要不要我介紹?”
luckily i had extra clothes in the trunk cuz sunday was freezing. and i was definitely still drunk from clubbing the night before. the drive was miserable. stuck in traffic. but laying out in the fields with a spread of sandwiches, cheese and meats...made me felt much better. a double date with fungbot and her protege...we got through the day in a vast field of large industrial sculptures. korean food in jersey ends the night nicely. and like clockwork....i ended up back at phj for sunday night football dejavu.
11:50 mark - "we first came to williamsburg in the dotcom era...2000...at the time all the crackwhores were down there....
"manhattan was right there....here was completely lawless...."
"brooklyn was for a decade...the coolest 20 block radius in the world..."
but brooklyn obviously isn't want it used to be. the hype has caught up and as people got priced out of manhattan, the hipster movement is not gentrifying and pricing people out of brooklyn.
shane smith makes bk sound cool. but whether it was 10 years ago or today...the boroughs just don't work for a long islander. it's nyc or bust. that is until all my friends decided to move to brooklyn. between my new camo pants. a delicious cold brew at cho's variety deli. eric's brand new apt with hopes of finding a wife. dan down the street. and frank near his friend rich...i've gravitated towards cara's phj most of the time...only to find myself back in brooklyn a few times a week. i didn't know adulthood would equate to brooklyn. and why does frank think that im going to move into his 400 sq foot studio with him?
summers in new york are always fun. and about once a week. i went out for a bender with the fungbot. and about once a week it was dejavu alongside a splitting hangover the next day. with a common line the next morning...uhh....i think u have my credit card..."omg...i think i've been using it". hahaha.