i've always kind of lingered on the cusp of rockstar clown and rockstar for the specific reasons in aforementioned posts dealing with timing/confidence/legitimacy. any ego compromised by humility for me, can easily come back in a flash, just need that kicker. enter. belix. my manager. he's going to write a book on women. and im going to be his muse. it's physics.
mister H is the hardest place to get into in NYC at the moment. exclusivity is what makes the crowd cool. but the interior decor is ridiculous. I guess we've had enough generations pass since the vietnam war where asian themes are now back in trend as exotic, because the inside of this place just looks like ur typical downtown bangkok/hochiminh expat bar. with tacky designs and classic asian interior. oh yea, and poles for the dark skinned, mal nourished, bad breath, denim shorts and bikini top wearing working women to dance on. "this is not a brothel, there are no prostitutes here" and "愛樂醉“。。。