is it crazy that i just signed up for kick boxing? 

im already a member @ equinox.  a premium gym that i love.  that i use not just for a gym, but for its multiple locations where i can go in to shower and clean up after hangovers, travel and miscellaneous.  i've done 10 years of cruddy gyms so i needed the upgrade to nicer machines and nicer locker rooms to keep me motivated.  ironic that i've combined/increased another gym membership thats dingy, all about sweaty fighting, ring worm, athletes foot and that damp nasty glove smell.  gross...but fun.

that's a lot of money on fitness. and all im going to do is drink the fitness away...what did i do?



texas was no sleep.  neither was the weekend.  which has also been intertwined with this cleanprogram.


see if u can do it.




what does a relaxing vacation mean?  i relax.  on the plane.  and when i get off.  im off and running.  its potential energy building up, rolling a toy car back and back and back....until the springs unleash kinetic energy onto the west coast. friday. bazaar. velvet room. avalon.  downing half a flask of whiskey in order to sleep. saturday. pool. san gabriel massage.  savoy chicken. arcadia taiwanese food. comme ca. my house. howard puked in front of hotel.  sunday.  arcadia and french fries with elaine @ midnight.  monday. universal studios.  texas.

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i miss the pooch.



chungs bbq.

nights with unattainables.

nights with connors.

nights @ boka.




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and then LA>.

i was the first one to get to the table.  my dads colleague and wife, dr and mrs han showed up soon after.  we caught up on how his son deferred med school too, we caught up on finance and consulting (which his son is now going to be doing), we caught up on the southern train and chil gap san.  and then it was "you should date korean".  "can i give your email to my niece?  she is nice girl.  you should email her"

did i mention shirley du bailed on me?

oh yea. chungs parents did come though.





"oh hon, we know it's not a phase anymore.  you used to hide behind your friends.  now you hide behind your clients."  - ekhym.


i just grew up around the ridiculousness of korean dramas/gayo top 10s/fruit anjoo's and crown royale.  sue me.


it's hilarious.  and i now not only youtube old chinese songs to listen to during the day, here comes the oldie korean ones.  it's a party.  get me the cd.


some of my jams @ the moment.


Mt. Chilgab (칠갑산)


임재범,박정현-사랑보다 깊은 상처

whatever it was, hak won, summer programs, friends etc. somehow i got really into korean stuff.  music, food, tv, movies, and girls.  when i was in HS, chinese kids looked dorky and studied too much.  the koreans had more community, a tighter network through church, where elders could pass on wisdom to the youngin's like, smoking behind the dumpster, passing on the ID's for clubbing etc.  while that was the driving factor for fun, korean girls just looked better.  more make up.  higher heels.  straighter blacker hair.  and cutesy and whiny along with sticker pictures were the IN thing!

and after 4 korean girls in row, i tested the chinese waters.  with the one redeeming factor of my stint in asia being that i've grown to prefer dating chinese women for cultural and family reasons, i also find myself not as into that korean look.  they're still pretty, im still all about it.  but after the conversation about how culturally, korean girls can't let their personalities loose because in korea it comes off pretentious, whereas its the inverse here.  and me being from here, find that the look with no supporting burst of laughter, with no strong claim on opinion, with no gaze of interest during no longer attractive. 

well...that was the conversation.  which was brought upon by this...of which all were right up my alley.  pls disregard everything i said above.



i turn 30 at the end of this year.  and i finally got my wisdom teeth out.  just 2.  cuz i only have 2.  weak roots.  came out with ease.  but i don't heal.  i just bleed.  and i still have 2 gaping holes in my mouth.  my priorities obviously are gym first, rest second.  so i worked out with my dentist, the pain wore off.  i went home, dying of a dull exploding brain pain.  slept nothing.  woke up in more pain.  ate 6 tylenols till i couldn't feel anything anymore.  and then went to a banquet.



are you depressed?

whats wrong with you?

you're always dying.

you make life tougher than it is.

are you ok?

happy birthday chomo.





what i do is like watching soccer.  you're constantly at the edge of your seat OOO-ing and AAHHH-ing because everything looks like a goal.  every shot comes soo close to scoring.  every pass looks like its gonna be headed into the goal.  u get up.  u put your arms in the air.  and then you're constantly putting your face in your hands and shaking your head're so close.  but no goal.  and turn your head for one second...and...of course...THEY SCORE.  


a coffee in the morning. a smoothie in the afternoon. a stint at the gym.  and then dinner.

aquagrill - eggplant was good.  artic char had no flavor.  and oysters hungover isn't so bad.

mermaid oyster bar - always good.  that pasta fra diavlo is oh-mazing.  did u know they have HH 1 dollar oysters too?

aldea - chefs bar.  great fluke.  on the salty side.  date place.

blue ribbon bakery - why eat when you're just gonna drink?

rye house - "sweating ice cream"


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when you go buy the ring.  i'll be there with cold steaks and frozen vegetables.  one thick slab of bloody red steak slapped over the right eye while a bag of green and yellow mix will be slapped over the other eye - right as you're about to hand over the credit card.  




"u know when the girlfriend goes out with her friends and they all get drunk and start talking about marriage and kids and babies etc.  and it just makes her all angry and pissed off at her current situation.  so when she comes home...opens the door and you say 'hey babe'  she just says 'oh hi' and turns her head the other way."





HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA....funniest story i've heard in a long time....









