there's a been a noticeably big decline in the customary next morning
drink and drunk blogs and lord knows my lifestyle hasn't taken a turn
for the mature...the only excuse for a group of reunited lushes is that
we've just been too consecutively incoherent or having too much fun to
be reflecting and transcribing each nights' events....but now that my
month long visit is over (filled with great times an increased 10lbs
and a spike in liver size) poignantly reflected upon during the severly
hungover first 12 hour leg of of my flight, i realize we're
crazy. at the rate these stories are accumulating...5 hours just
isn't enough for those narcissistic, vsop, scrabble nights
im going to have to do some sort of timetable (ala bill simmons) for last nights events to fully document the last 2 days.....
12.30 am - arrive at marquis - keep in mind we all had 1 beer, 1
carbomb, 1 tequila, 1 drink @ toad hall prior to hitting up marquis
(john du and chomo wanted to make sure i left the same way i arrived)
4.00 am - kunjip - its unfortunate that the ahjimah wasn't there...
5.15 am - somehow manage to fenagle a cab to JFK in which i end up
arguing with 3 separate women because singapore air messed up my
8.00 am - and with no hope in making my flight i get a cab and end up back at hoan/frank apt
12.00 am - groggy and awake to rebook my flight with sing air
here's where things get interesting
4.00 pm - frank IMs me to defrost the kalbi
5.30 pm - tran comes home with 3- 40s
6.00 pm - with harold and kumar on tv and power hour in full effect, we're finished with 2 40's right when frank comes home
6.30 pm - 1 more 40 finished alongside 5 molson ices (for the record:
franks moms kalbi and bulgogi are absolutely delicious)
6.35 pm - car is downstairs and waiting - i convince frank and hoan to come to the airport for the ride
6.40 pm - hoan is doing his hair
6.45 pm - hoan is cutting his toenails
6.50 pm - hoan goes back to check out his hair again
7.00 pm - hoan changes a shirt for the 5th time
7.10 pm - finally in the car and on the way to pick up victor
7.15 pm - picked up victor at chomo's, said goodbye to jen diana and chomo
7.20 pm - our driver jesus says its okay for us to drink in the car and we stop for a leak and 12 beers
7.30 pm - severe traffic but she's got a tight body
7.40 pm - she still got a tight body
8.00 pm - hoans got a tight body
8.05 pm - bloody hoan
8.10 pm - pull over for leak
8.20 pm - arrive at jfk with 2 beers left, kind of nauseous car ride
feeling but still reeling from victors late night story with a girl
8.45 pm - checked in and headed to the gate...
8.46 pm - hoan says hi to some woman pissing off her husband and
causing him to chase us down with the "WHATS SO FUNNY KOREAN DEATH
8.47 pm - OH WHAT THE HECK...15 minutes till boarding, so we make a
quick scramble looking for a bar (somehow we miss the closest bar) and
end up buying 12 beers at au bon pain
8.50 pm - i dont know how this happened but frank, hoan and victor were
all on line with me at security checkpoint double fisting beers....
9.00 pm - i don't remember much after this but im sure a "DOWN IT BITCHES" line was in there before i left
9.30 pm - im passed out on the plane
11.30 pm - i wake up only to realize that WE'RE STILL TAXI-ED!!!!! OH THE HEADACHE.....
apparently i missed out on a whole bunch of other shit afterwards...but "who knew going to the airport could be so much fun"