i've tried to get will to miss his flight a handful of times already and the one time i have to leave early cuz i'm too drunk myself he actually misses it..hahhaa..how ironic....

what's a night out in HK without seeing daniel

will's apt is awesome...


this jason reminds me of jae....

there's a jack daniels bottle with leather casing on the bottle?

6 plates of noodles in 3 days..and choi wah delivers...awesome.


"one of the most salient features of ourculture is that there is so much ubllshit.  everyone knows this.  each of us contributes his share.  but we tend to take the situation for granted.  most people are rather confident of their ability to recognize bullshit and to avoid being taken in by it.  so the phenomenon has not aroused much deliberate concer, nor atttracted much sustained inquiry.

....in consequence, we have no clear understanding of what bullshit is,, why there is so much of it, or what functions it serves.  and we lack a conscientiously developed appreciation of what it means to us.  IN other words, we have no theory....i propse to begin the development of a theorteical understanding of bullshit....."


".......why is there so much bullshit? of course it is impossible to be sure that there is relatively more of it nowadays htan at other times.  there is more comunication of all kinds in our time than ever before, but the proportion that is bullshit may not have increased.  without assuming that the incidence of bullshit is actually greater now, i mention a few considerations that help to account for the fact that it is currrently so great...

....bullshit is unavoidable whenever circumstances require someone to talk without knowing what he is talking about...thus the production of bullshit is stiumulated whenever a person's obligations or opportunities to speak about some topic exceed his knowledge of the facts that are relevant to that topic.  this discrepancy is common in public life, where people are frequently impelled-whether by their own popensities or by the demands of others-to speak extensively about matters of which they to some degree ignorant.  BLAH BLAH

....the contemporary proliferation of bullshit aso has deeper sources in various forms of skepticism which deny that we can have any reliable access to an objective reality, and which therefore reject the possibility of knowing ho things truly are....."

......."but it is preposterous to imagine that we ourselves are determinate, and hence susceptible both to correct and to incorrect descriptions, while supposing that the ascription of determinacy to anything else has been exposed as a mistake.  as conscious beings, we exist only in response to other things, and we cannot know ourselves at all without knowing them  moreover, there is nothing in theory and certainly nothing in experience to support the extraordinary judgement that is the truth about himself that is the easiest for a person to know.   Facts about ourslves are not peculiarly solid and resistant to skeptical dissolution.  our natures are, indeed, elusively insubstatial-notoriously less stable and less inherent than the natures of other things...and insofar as this is the case, sincerity itself is bullshit................"

harry frankfurt the MORAL PROFESSOR....professor emeritus at princeton....jeezus...




when you start forcing yourself to bed in order to wake up the next day early enough prior to whatever it is you need to do just to hit the gym...there really is no excuse for complaining about being tired....or those damned bags under your eyes in the passport photos you just took.....and i thought that facial and massage would relieve the tension....oh well..at least i got a haircut....gotta look good before i see my wizzler right?

compliments of the khym....

China's Youth Look to Seoul for Inspiration

From clothes to hairstyle, music to television dramas, South Korea has been defining the tastes of many Chinese and other Asians for the past half decade. As part of what the Chinese call the Korean Wave of pop culture, a television drama about a royal cook, "The Jewel in the Palace," is garnering record ratings throughout Asia, and Rain, a 23-year-old singer from Seoul, drew more than 40,000 fans to a sold-out concert at a sports stadium here in October.

But South Korea's "soft power" also extends to the material and spiritual spheres. Samsung's cellphones and televisions are symbols of a coveted consumerism for many Chinese. Christianity, in the evangelical form championed by Korean missionaries deployed throughout China, is finding Chinese converts despite Beijing's efforts to rein in the spread of the religion. South Korea acts as a filter for Western values, experts say, making them more palatable to Chinese and other Asians.

For a country that has been influenced by other cultures, especially China but also Japan and America, South Korea finds itself at a turning point in its new role as exporter.


"Three Guys and Three Girls" and "Three Friends" are South Korea's homegrown version of the American TV show "Friends." As for "Sex and the City," its South Korean twin, "The Marrying Type," a sitcom about three single professional women in their 30's looking for love in Seoul, was so popular in China that episodes were illegally downloaded or sold on pirated DVD's.

"We feel that we can see a modern lifestyle in those shows," said Qu Yuan, 23, a student at Tsinghua University here. "American dramas also show the same kind of lifestyle. We know that South Korea and America have similar political systems and economies. But it's easier to accept that lifestyle from South Koreans because they are culturally closer to us. We feel we can live like them in a few years."


do you guys have an airplane uniform? some form of attire that you always seem to put together when u're about to hop on the plane?

i just sent out my 2nd round of postcards....did you guys NOT GET THE FIRST ROUND from singapore???

i knew there would be a day when i finally ventured outside my 3 mile radius of taipei city and when that day came i knew would then be able to justify that bubble style of living....and it happened when my aunt/uncle and cousin flew in from singapore and LA respectively....not known for being frilly tourists they strayed away from the common sites (which they visited 30 years ago) but still wanted to see what all the hoopla was about at jiu fen....they were here for 5 days...and it rained for 5 days.....horrendously horrible wet weather combined with a small country with not much to see....why travel outside the bubble?....

getting out of the car was more my mom's idea....so was trekking up the mountain or up the steps of the "closed for renovations" museum....cranky and wet...and supported by the actual tourists of the country (my aunt) i pushed for the menstrual-emotional-alternative-site-seeing-eating....LETS GO EAT INSTEAD....

jiu fen kind of reminds me of macau....or any of those ancient citys...ancient alleys....places in japan....places in seoul...and ancient diagons always sell tons of traditional candies, cakes and treats...

you walk into this restaurant and think...wow..the owner must know a lot of celebrities...there are soo many pictures up on the walls, then you realize its all of the same nasty old woman..who turns out to be the same woman cooking your fish balls.....


wet sock not worth the view...

non-refridgerated meat is no longer a novelty.....its the non refridgerated meat hanging off trucks in alleys that get to me...


as if the day didn't get any colder and my socks couldn't get any wetter...ximending

i didn't start the fob pose....nor the arab look

foot massage!....(nothing compared to the facial i went for today...)

dong qu fen yuan

i love gan bei...and now there's interest in franchising....

marinated unripe mango's and guava were a hit with auntie and uncle

yang ming mountain

7 miles daily!

can anyone email me about gold futures?

off to HK tomorrow.