Chaffed Nipples....

Oh my are my dimes feeling raw!  But they're only by products from spending the day SURFING.  took the train to da shi and hit up the grey/black sandeded, rock studded beach of taiwan...small waves, if any...but a couple of nice runs...(wait...wrong terminology, i miss boarding)...a couple of nice waves with abrasive nip-rubs resulting in the erect homo(sapien) pose....i'm stoked and ready to go again next to come.

i'm so full.

people keep asking me "how's the mother land?" - and, i'm not taking credit for this epiphany but, Lax realized for me...

MDanLax: i actually just figured it out
MDanLax: you are coming
MDanLax: it is ur destiny

this summer, i'm making a pilgrimmage to real motherland.

guster - careful

if you were wondering where i was.....this picture explains it all......

Did you know the human head weighs 8 lbs? (My profile pic caption)


The in a funk alex manifests itself in food.  YES.  But let me clarify.  It*s not the state of delirious food induced satiated state of euphoric delirium post consumption but it*s rather the primate carnivorous act of perpetual hunting, kind of like a bear, that I juxtapose my current state to.  This isn*t necessarily an overnight revelation, but rather a gradual realization along with textual conversation to hone the description above.  Move over Socrates and your answer by dialogue, here comes the power of blogging and comments. 


A note for Esther: I had quite the argument over the word auricular.  Having used the word live in Technicolor, my befuddled buddy spent the next five minutes yelling at me saying it*s not a word.  Which I then rebutted with, ※yes it is.§  Of course, he being the stubborn square headed moron, moved into pompous territory, ※if I don*t know the word, it doesn*t exist§ I don*t remember correctly, but I think maybe the ※tree falls in the forest and no one hears it§ clich谷 was brought up shortly there after.

victor says im mysterious.....

on repeat: 陶吉吉 - 二十二


i friggin don't want to go to class really just makes me wonder...and by the way...the erudite who is not formally schooled, but rather self induldged in extra ciriculars, is he as acclaimed? probably not, but is he even up to par to be self acclaimed? 

all i want to do is eat lately...i think about every meal the day before...but been soo picky to figure out what to eat...that instead of settling for what will satiate the urge...i'll just get by on some "ehh" stuff for that night...and then it becomes this perputual thought of food...and the worst part is..when u're craving something...and you finally eat doesnt even satisfy your craving...then what do you do? you continue eating? but wouldn't you feel worse aftewards cuz you're too full?  and because im thinking of food all the time...does that mean im in a funk???AGAIN?? gawd... english is getting bad. i think its okay when i type...still got that long winded flare....dont think that'll ever go away...but for those who are looking for a auricular literary melody coming from me...expect some kind of broken chinese...along with cruddy fob VERB CONJUGATED conjugating verbs in english...jeezus.

battle of the verbose. - esther v. alex. - we'll let the public decide (and for bonus points...who is better at using those superfluous modifiers to ambiguously circumvent the topic at hand.)  we're going into politics dammnit!  i'm outlawing vegetarians. (yes you heard it alvin....)





courtesy of my k700i =)

Fat and Happy


Published: April 23, 2005


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John Tierney


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Porkers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your diets!

But don't start wearing spandex just yet.

For those of us lacking six-pack abs, this week's report that the overweight live longer is the greatest medical news in history. The authors of this study deserve a Nobel, not just for medicine, but for peace, too.

They have taken away the favorite cudgel of the scolds who used the "obesity epidemic" as an excuse to attack the flabby. The supposedly deadly consequences of fat provided the scientific rationale for the last politically correct form of prejudice.

The fatophobes are fighting on, disputing the new study and arguing that it still shows the fatal dangers of being seriously obese. But they have lost the scientific high ground. Not only do people of "normal" weight die younger than the moderately overweight, the study shows, but thin people die even younger than those of normal weight.

After decades of listening to emaciated ascetics lecture us about diet and exercise, it's tempting to return the favor. We could turn into activists ourselves and stand in picket lines outside gyms with signs proclaiming, "StairMaster = Death."

We could denounce the dangerous role models provided by the zero-body-fat actresses on "Desperate Housewives," or go to Vogue's offices for an intervention with its social X-ray of an editor, Anna Wintour.

"Anna, we want you to put Kirstie Alley on the cover, but that's not why we're here. We're here because we love you and we don't want to lose you. Now, please, for our sake, try this cr鋗e br嶪."

But we need to be realistic. One study will not change people's minds, because the crusade against fat was never just about science.

The activists fighting the evil junk-food industry always had a streak of neo-puritanism in them. They cited scientific research to justify their battle against fatty foods, but then campaigned hysterically against Olestra, the calorie-free fat substitute.

Despite the research showing Olestra to be generally safe, the prospect of Americans enjoying fat-free junk food was just too sinful to allow. So was the prospect of calorie-free colas. When soft-drink companies replaced sugar with aspartame, the food police again ignored the research and kept imagining dangers.

It never made scientific sense to terrify women about having flabby hips or thighs, because it was recognized long before this week's study that lower-body fat was medically benign by comparison with the fat at the waist - the kind in the beer guts of men at risk for heart attacks.

In four-fifths of the societies studied by anthropologists, people have sensibly considered a plump pear-shaped body to be the female ideal. Subcutaneous fat was traditionally a sign of fertility and health, a status indicator showing that a woman was not too poor to afford food.

But as food became cheaper and more available, the ideal changed. Avoiding temptation in the midst of plenty became a virtue and a status symbol of the rich. Thinness became a form of conspicuous consumption, what might be called conspicuous conservation.

George Armelagos, an anthropologist at Emory University, calls this shift the King Henry VIII and Oprah Winfrey Effect. In Tudor England, it took hundreds of gardeners, farmers, hunters and butchers to keep Henry VIII fat. In America today, anyone can bulk up without help, but it takes a new set of vassals - personal trainer, nutritionist, private chef - to keep Oprah from looking like Henry VIII.

As long as it's more expensive to be thin, fat will not be fashionable, no matter what scientists find. The survival-of-the-flabbiest theory will not make jiggly hips hip or love handles lovable, so spandex and tube tops are still out of the question.

But the new study does give us ammunition for the beach this summer. The trick is to be subtle when confronted with glistening hardbodies. Don't insult them. Gaze admiringly, and bemoan your own paunch. Then sigh and talk about the future responsibilities you have - children to raise, the mortgage to pay off, the relatives to support.

When the hardbody looks confused, stop and gaze admiringly again before continuing: "God, I wish had your body - and your courage. Good for you! Don't listen to those medical nerds. Go for it! Live lean, die young, leave a beautiful corpse."


"The woman was on the chubby side.  Young and beautiful and all that went with it, but chubby.  Now a young, beautiful woman who is, shall we say, plump, seems a bit off.  Walking behind her, I fixated on her body.

Around young, beautiful, fat women, I am generally thrown into confusion.  I don't know why.  Maybe it's because an image of their dietary habits naturally congeals in my mind.  When I see a goodly sized woman, I have visions of her mopping up that last drop of cream sauce with bread, wolfing down that final sprig of watercress garnish from her plate.  And once that happens, it's like acid corroding metal:  scenes of her eating spread through my head andI lose control.

Your plain fat woman is fine.  Fat women are like clouds in the sky.  They're just floating there, nothing to do with me.  But your young, beautiful, fat woman is another story.  I am demanded to assume a posture toward her.  I could end up sleeping with her.  That is probably where all the confusion comes in.

Which is not to say that I have anything against fat women.  confusion and repulsion are two different things.  I've slept with fat women before and on the whole the experience wasn't bad.  If your confusion leads you in the right directoin, the results can be uncommonly rewarding.  But of course, things don't always take the right course.  Sex is an extremely subtle undertaking, unlike going to the department store on Sunday to buy a thermos.  Even among young, beautiful, fat women, there are distinctions to be made  Fleshed out one way, they'll lead you in the right direction; fleshed out another way, they'l leave you lost trivial, confused.

In this sense, sleeping with fat women can be a challenge.  there must be as many paths of human fat as there are ways of human death."


-hard boiled wonderland and the end of the world

visitor's visa....- am off to HK for a 27 hour stint to obtain a 60 day 2x extendable visa for ROC. i'll be here....EATING.

wes....since u guessed everything correctly....u get the daily double...guess my correct weight...and i'll post a picture of my stomach...POST NIGHT MARKET....hahah...oh man...its a nightmarish belly.

pic 1. Chicken ASS

pic 2. stinky tofu

pic 3. Chicken Heart

pic 4. Grilled Corn

pic 5. Fired Tien bu la

pic 6. Fried Chicken (Tsa ge pai)

pic 7. gwa bao (taiwanese hamburger)

pic 8. me fun tang

pic 9. pearl milk tea

pic 10. do hwa

for the record....i had guava and those marinated apricots afterwards....


in a funk...

am i in one? of course rumor has it that if anyone is in an actual state of funk...i'd be the one to help break them out of it, the same kind of irony if will ever complained of breathing issues....the same kind of irony if esther ever complained of having too many friends in jersey...the list could really go on....

now that i'm a 5x a week student studying chinese, me even trying to keep up in my english journals and of course this english blog has been some what of a problem...plucked and pulped from 5 days a week of homework, and not to mention, my thoughts are slowly moving into fob territory....more clear in chinese?....or first in chinese....odd?..weird? but's exactly what i was hoping for....

there comes certain phases in ur life....(thanks mr murakami)....where ur window of opportunity to excel at things closes right before ur eyes....then again the opportunity cost of delving into those things may take away from ur conformed path of life....but u weigh those things out...along with the regret factor, some intangibles and logistics....and well...if it wasn't evident already to u readers, i've taken that sidestep into an initial muddled oblivion (the natural definition) and translated that into a somewaht calculated abyss...almost in essence proactively hoping for something to fall into my lap....and by the it possible for readers...especially most of my peers who come from the pushpush genre of metropolis right brain this piece...i'll turn kerouac into a verb....KEROUAC IT...and stop thinking of logistics....if you could do it..and somehow u could.......i'm doing it...leave it at that..and let the emotional burdens be of priority....wing it and does grow on trees...just find the right tree to hump =) are dogs....justification is right next to ignorance on the bliss scale...although DRUNK tops both...cheers.

it really could just be the darn weather.....somewhat of a tiring weekend....residentialy partying rather than ur vacationer taking a gander at a 3 day feast of liver obliteration...although...if u know me...its hard to distinguish the two...probably the only way to see the difference is venue and care of outside appearance...which....then also a anycase....i, the freshmen, who has never seen a drop of liquor, limited the weekend to 1 hangover and managed to miss my first class yesteday due to a much needed re-coop for sleep. re-coop did nothing apparently, cuz i just napped 10 minute intervals since 11am this morning....damn humidity.

does tryptophan come in forms of fried foods and not just specific meats?...can you call one type of food tryptohyptophanatic?...can you have residual tryptophographic fatigue? ....u ever wonder if you could bottle of appetite euphoria into a drug...rather than selling dexatrim...which suppresses appetite...give the person that willy wonka full course meal in a stick of gum....satiating hunger with a couple chews of toxic euphoric oral disaster....hell i'd take it....

how can you try to be a popstar if you can't read the words....working on it...really working on can you study and go through popstar training if you don't eat....

name that food!