n Dinh Quan painting spread endless nights, exciting dreams and poetic thoughts. This world is not real but atlers its ecological life in the blazing, fabulous light of gold and silver emulsion as well as in the deep night of black lacquer?/EM>
Thai Ba Van - 1997
kommie propaganda
i spent a lot of time going around the city looking at property, factories and checking out the food industry and along with a cousin completely raped the driver's left brain for the loopholes and workings of the corrupt power scheming viet government....a country built on the principles of equal wealth distribution makes sense to be run by a round table of men...in this case...it's more like a gang, with the prime ministers and presidents power obscurred into a financial stronghold over the poverty of the nation...although the viet economy hasn't taken a big hit throughout the asian market tumble, and although its gdp has increased about 10% the past year...although this government is starting to take china's lead in opening up its markets to increase financial security...the nation is still gridlocked in old fashioned impoverished wantan ways....
the oxymoron lies thick not because of the class disparities like much of indonesia i've seen...it's more because of the french architecture left behind is so rich and city planning and engineering seems soo cultured...yet saigon has little culture to offer other than WAR WAR and WAR....these hochiminh posters are everywhere....

muddy and in the middle of the jungle...don't tell me you don't want to pull a childish rambo on your fellow tourists...poor woman rowing the boat...she was the one who got my group of 5...and no extra paddle to help her row...

i'm a slave for you - quite a friendly snake i must say...

embryonic quail egg/suckling pig/slaughtered iguana (THIS IS SICK)

fyi: the iguana is alive while the guy is cutting through him....

cu chi tunnel and the cao dao temple
tunnel network is absolutely indredulous to believe that people spent days/months down there...and the survival and war tactics the VC used were less ingenious and more sadistic...you can look up the history and information of the tunnels online but from first hand experience...i'll tell you that the holes are almost impossible to find...completely camoflauged in leaves and dirt...and they are desigend to be small so the americans couldn't fit...(i the fat arse...barely got in...and only by the method of stretching my arms way up in the air hence slimming my lats....)
we went in the tunnel for 3 sections of 100m 10m and 10m respectively...the first section being the longest was intense...sweat drenched face and heavy breath (nervous and pitch black)...crouched down to where my back was against the ceiling..(there was even a point where i had to go down feet first cuz i wouldn't fit)....after a certain number of turns..you just wanted to race out of there as soon as possible...small air vents every few feet...but the air was still very thin....

look closely at the temple...cao daism is a mixture of eastern and western cultures...it was founded sometime in the early 20th century...and it seems to be a dying religion...all the members seemed quite old...and i guess its one of those cult religions....but because of its mixed faith....the architecture of the church is unique...but ODD....the colors are almost buddism-esque and the columns have the asian dragon, but the top is corinthian? the robes and praying sessions not to mention the dome resemble the islam tradition....

ak-47 - really not as much recoil as i originally though...feels kind of cool to shoot the gun....the guy next to me shot a machine gun....it was just awesome to hear an actual machine gun being fired....

read endless nights, exciting dreams and poetic thoughts. This world is not real but atlers its ecological life in the blazing, fabulous light of gold and silver emulsion as well as in the deep night of black lacquer??XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O />
Thai Ba Van - 1997